Dark Night (Dusk&Enchanted)

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The night was black,
But the moon shone bright,
And the stars twinkled,
In the dusk of little light.

The wolves howled,
When the moon shone bright,
And vampires roamed,
As the stars twinkled,
In the dusk of little light.

Mermaids sang,
When the moon shone bright,
And mortals slept,
As the stars twinkled,
In the dusk of little light.

The fairies danced,
When the moon shone bright,
And wishes where granted,
As the stars twinkled,
In the dusk of little light.

The witches cackled,
When the moon shone bright,
And spells where cast,
As the stars twinkled,
In the dusk of little light.

Dreams where dreamt,
When the moon shone bright,
And dreams where forgotten,
As the stars twinkled,
In the dusk of little light.

When the moon shone bright,
As the stars twinkled,
In the dusk of little light.

The night was black,
But the moon shone bright,
And the stars twinkled
In the dusk of little light.

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