1 - Hotel in the Clouds

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Kevin hit the ground.

The first thing he noticed was that he was in a hotel lobby, and then a man walked up to him. "May I take your bags, sir?" Kevin looked next to him and there were two bags of luggage. He didn't know what was in them but he looked to the bellhop and nodded.

The bellhop led Kevin to the second floor. He left Kevin's bags outside of a room door and walked away.

The bellhop hadn't given him a key, so there was no way to get into the room. Knowing that he was locked out of a room in some strange, fancy hotel, Kevin started to panic.

A man walked out of a room a few doors down.

"Uh, excuse me, could I borrow your phone? I didn't get a key to my room..."

He walked into his room and searched for his phone. It took him a while to find it but he finally did. Kevin called the service counter, and they said it would take a while to find the right key.

"My names James, but you can call me Jimmy," the man said. "I guess you could stay here until they find your key."

"I suppose I have to," Kevin said.

"Oh well, while your here could you be a dear and help me get dressed?" Jimmy said.

"Yeah, I guess. What do I need to do?" Kevin said.

"Help me find my shoes and my hat."

"Okay, but what do they look like?"

"Well, I have a black top hat and black dress shoes."

Kevin started to look around. He looked under the tables and the dressers. Jimmy's room was as nice as the rest of the hotel.

"I found one shoe." Kevin held up the black dress shoe.

"Oh great, now find the other." Jimmy said as he went to his closet and picked up a grey and pink suit.

He rushed to the bathroom and came out looking amazing, and then he screeched because he found his hat and other shoe.

It was later that night; Kevin could hear a drunken man screaming from somewhere in another room. He was in his own room now, but he was considering going back to Jimmy's and asking him some questions. The bellhop didn't tell him anything, but Jimmy might.

Before he could do anything, Jimmy was up on the fire escape. He let him in and gave him some wine. Kevin got to know him some more, and it turned out he wasn't only single, he was gay!

"So, where am I exactly?" Kevin asked. "I mean one second I'm in the car with my friend, and then I'm sitting on the floor of a hotel."

"The staff didn't tell you?" Jimmy looked surprised.


"That's odd, I wonder if everything is okay. Anyways, this may come as some of a shock," he paused. "You're in heaven."

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