Chapter 1- Grey Skies and A Spark Of Hope

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Nagito Komaeda's POV-

"Nagito we"ll always love you," a lady with long golden hair, whispered. The rim of her dark grey eyes began to line with tears, struggling to hold them back. The woman, then held the little boy's hand kissing it gently before embracing him. "Stay strong my son."

"Son, you mustn't lose hope, its what keeps you alive. Your mother and I love you so much," a tall, slender man with short dark brown hair, and weary eyes retorted. Smiling weakly, the man bent and kissed the small boy's forehead.

Rain beated down hard on the sorrowing family, making their tears blend in with the freezing droplets of water coming from above. "The clouds are weeping with us mommy and daddy." The little boy barley even noticed it was raining. He was so focused in making sure his parent's embrace, lasted forever.

Thunder struck the sky with a mighty force causing the scenery to slowly crumble. The little boy panicked as he tighten his arms around his parents."D-daddy! M-Mommy! Don't go! Please don't leave me, I'm so lonely. I-I want to be happy again. The only way is if you don't go. Please don't go!"

"I'm sorry darling. I'm afraid that can't happen," the mother sobbed. "I'm so sorry, Nagito. Please forgive us." His parents, the only ones who will ever care for him, started to fade away.

"N-No! Come back! PLEASE DON'T GO! MOMMY! DADDY," Nagito sobbed. "Please...don't go."

"Please...don't go."

Thunder struck down from the sky furiously, causing me to wake up in an instant.


The chilled floorboards of my bedroom greeted my bedsheets and I coldly. Every morning for the past couple of days, I always seem to end up on the floor tangled up in my bedsheets. I stayed down there for a while, thinking about what had just happened. My parents had just talked to me, in my seven year old form, telling me to be strong. How can I? I have nobody left, just myself. I don't have any relatives or even someone I can call a friend. In reality I'm just a pathetic excuse for a human being. Worthless. Pathetically worthless.

'Nows not the time to think about that Nagito. It's 6:30 you have to get ready for school. School...just what I need right now.' I thought sarcastically to myself.

After the two stressful minutes of me untangling myself from my sheets, I finally got up and walked to the bathroom.

"Don't I look wonderful," I sarcastically mumbled to myself. "I could get sooooo many people to date me with this pale face of mine. Haha don't even get me started with my hair."

After I finished brushing my teeth, I got in the shower, letting the cold water wake me up. I haven't been getting the required amount of sleep lately. 'It's probably because of all those nightmares I had.'

Putting on a fresh pair of clothes (my usual attire), I headed out of my dorm and into the Cafeteria.

My classmates and I promised to meet up there every morning before we headed to our classes.

If it weren't for the fact that I lived inside of Hope's Peak Academy, I would of already been late. I mean I was late, but not by much.

"Look who finally decided to show up," Souda exclaimed sarcastically.

I gave a weak shrug. "Sorry about that, I must of not heard my alarm clock." I wasn't about to tell them about my nightmares. They would just think lower of me, then they already do.

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