Olympus 2- Daughter of Zeus! JoutenYellow

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Olympus 2- The Daughter of Zeus! JoutenYellow- "Alright soldiers. Your job is to scour the city and kill whoever gets in our way." Hera hears Tetsu nearby. "Oh no, if he finds the Demi God's, my plight will be for not." She then uses her power of motherly sense to find the nearest Demi God. "Now to go undercover." She uses her powers to transform into a regular human. She goes through the town square, wondering if her sense has failed her as she spots a girl in a wheelchair. Hera thinks "Is this really the nearest Demi God? She's just a kid. Besides, she would be a horrible choice as a soldier in this war. I couldn't put a girl in this condition through that. Poor girl." Amy, the girl in the wheelchair, is puzzled and angry. "Why are you staring at me? I'm trying to go home, I don't need a stalker." "Oh, I'm sorry miss. You wouldn't happen to know if you're a Demi God or not, would you?" "What? No!" "According to my readings, you are." "What readings? How could you tell? Is it written on my forehead?" "No, its just that-" she then whispers to Amy. "I'm Hera." "What? Hera, THE Hera?" "Yes, yes I am Amy." "How do you know my name?" "As the Goddess of motherhood and femininity I should know the names of all Earth's children by heart." Amy is in awe as her glasses slide down her face a bit. "Would you like to talk somewhere else child? This is a really bad place." "Oh, umm certainly."

Hera then starts looking sorry for Amy all of a sudden. Amy see's this and gets angry. "I know what you're thinking. I don't need your help, I'm perfectly capable of wheeling myself to where I need to be." Hera looks shocked but Amy apologizes. "I'm sorry, I just hate it when people take pity on me. It's not just you, it seems to be everyone I meet." "Oh dear child. I didn't know, I'm sorry." Hera offers to wheel her out of love for her child. "Ok, only because your a Goddess." Hera tells Amy the situation. "Have you noticed weird weather across the world Amy?" "Yeah I have. It's just the end of winter and it's been pretty warm lately, about 10 degrees above normal temperature. It's not just here though. World News reports of the Pole's melting, forests turning into tundra's, deserts turning into wetlands and grasslands turning into deserts have been in the news all month long. Do you know anything about it?" "Yes I do. There's been a great war this past month between God's and Titan's. You know of the Titan's?" "Yes, the legendary adversaries of the Olympians lead by Chronos." "Yes. Well a second war has occurred, this time we've grown far weaker from those times. Human's have come to regard us as mere myth, something that isn't real. As such, a huge lack of faith has caused our power to wane as the Titan's abilities grew stronger and stronger, while we were helpless. One day a boy, a Demi God of War, unlocked Chronos and some of his Titan's, allowing them to roam free and wreak havoc. We barely stood a chance, but were able to keep fighting going for a good month. We lost many an Olympian, all of whom passed their spirits to their children after death. Even my husband fell to the Titan's unstoppable might. Chronos only had 3 titan generals during the invasion. Who knows what he's capable of." "Yeah. It's really tough." "That's why I'm going to Japan, where curiously a lot of Demi God's live. You were the first one I found." "I was? Sweet. Oh by the way, which God am I a child of?" "You have Athena's face, hair-" "Don't forget ingenuity!" "Hmm?" "I've always been into building and electronics since I was a little girl. It's been my passion. When I was little little though I wanted to be a dancer but..."

"Would you mind telling me what happened to you Amy? I'm really sorry if it makes you feel uncomfortable." "Well, it happened when I was ten. I was always playing in my Dad's architectural works, running around, laughing, and pulling off the occasional prank on the workers, who usually laughed. One day I was careless, went to go grab a ball, not noticing there was a crane of beams above me. My father tried warning me to get out of the way as the man controlling the crane slipped his grip and the beams almost crushed me. I was lucky to have jumped out just in time, but it still crushed my legs." "That's horrible." "I'm fine now though. I've learned that I don't need anyones help like I used to think." "You know child, sometimes you should learn to discern kindness and pity. You seem to be very defensive." "I guess you're right, its just its always the same. Kid's treat me differently because I am different. I can't play ball or dance around like I used to. I always had special treatment in school. It made me feel alien, and soon, a lot of my old friends stopped talking to me." The two arrived at Olympus before Hera spoke. "Umm, I was wondering if you were willing to show me what you're capable of doing. I want you to create a tracker to find Demi God's, something that with a little magic will help us locate Demi Gods to bolster our forces." "Of course. I'll do it better actually." Hera thinks in her head "Well, she's certainly got her mother's determination." Amy then went to serious work, getting her hand's dirty as she spent the whole night perfecting this God tracker, made using technology she found in used cell phones with some slight assistance from Hera to put the finishing touches, as well as 5 special devices. "Whew, took a while, sure is worth it." "That's amazing Amy, I didn't know you were this talented." "Yeah, I once won a local science fair making my own cell phone out of the same parts." "Well color me impressed. Where do you think you can use it?" "I might be able to use this at my university. It's huge!" Hera is amazed at how hands on Amy is and says in her head that she will be most valuable in their coming conflict. After a whole night building Amy, though exhausted and tired, starts the day by getting ready and going to school by herself, Hera offering to help her in disguise. "You know, its fine if people want to help you child." "It's ok Hera, I've been doing this since I was in high school. Just relax and let me do my thing."

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