Olympus 5- Daughter of Demeter! JoutenGreen

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Olympus 5- Daughter of Demeter, Demi- Kai is waking up in the middle of his old hideout, asking himself questions about what he is doing in life and how he the world he lived in will be once he is finished as a Joutenger. "I hope Donny and the boys are alright when I come back, we are like a family. But I made a promise to Jamarah that I would at least try to defeat those monsters." As he goes to the headquarters, he sees a woman being robbed at gunpoint but does nothing, believing that it's none of his business and that defeating the enemy requires special attention. Back at HQ, Amy, Shun and Miki talk about Kai. Amy: "He may be rough around the edges, but you need to cut Kai some slack." Kai hearing this outside and waiting to hear what Miki will say, turns invisible as he creeps in. Miki then says "I need to be hard on him to keep his ass in line, he's nothing but a good for nothing street punk." Amy is dumbfounded by Miki's low opinion of Kai and says "You know, you should really consider Kai's feelings too." "I would Amy, but he doesn't have any. Like I said, he nothing but a dumb punk." Kai immediately makes himself visible and calls Miki out on her Judgments. "You can think you have me figured out all you want, but just let me tell you something. I have you all figured out as well." "Oh yeah, care to share with the rest of us, oh so wise asshole!" "Ok. I find you to be an overobessessive, ego-driven control freak with no sense of people's feelings and emotions outside of your own. You never take anyone else into consideration you bitch. You assume because you're the leader of this operation that you can boss me and these guys around. You're wrong. I don't even know why I bother to be on this team with you. All you do is yell and tell people what to do." "AND ALL YOU DO IS BROOD AND SULK!" "WELL WHEN YOU LOSE THE ONE PERSON WHO'S MEANT EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD TO YOU YOU CAN GET JUDGMENTAL ALL YOU WANT!" Miki, taken aback by this comment, tries to put up a brave front. "Well, mr anger, why don't you get over here and do something about it!" Kai nods and starts attacking her physically. Miki starts defending herself, angered by Kai's behavior and wanting to settle this in a brawl. Miki starts out strong but Kai's ruthless fighting style ends the fight in his victory. "When you learn to keep your ego in check, I'll start considering you a member of this team." "This fight changes nothing. You're on notice. I refuse to let someone like you do what you want when the worlds in danger." "Then why jeopardize the team on your gigantic ego?" Shun finally intercedes "Ok, ok, break it up you two. You're starting to really piss me off. We have demi gods to find and you two can only think about yourselves." Miki gets defensive. "What do you mean I only think of myself? I have the entire teams well being at heart Shun. Why are you taking his side?" "I'm not taking anyones side, but I don't want the team to fall apart because of you two. Kai why don't you come with me."

This is interupted when a demi God is found in a Tokyo Mall. Amy goes with the team on the train and she sits with Shun in between Miki and Kai, Shun trying to break the ice. "Ok, anyone here have some good jokes?" Miki just shrugged as Kai ignored him. Amy raised her hand. "Umm, what did the chameleon think he had when he couldn't change his color? Areptile dysfunction, HA!" "Wow that was funny. hah." Miki and Kai still weren't looking at each other, Shun looking worried. He whispered in Amy's ear-"I think we might end up killing each other before the Titans do," Amy nodding in agreement. Shun went to talk to Kai as Amy went to Miki. "Hey man, I think we kind of got off on the wrong foot, I'm Shun." Kai still tries to ignore him. "You know, if you start talking to people more they may start being nice to you. No one likes a guy who keeps to himself all the time." Kai still tries his best to ignore him. "I have to say, your personal skills need some serious work there buddy." Kai continues ignoring him. "This is about Miki isn't it." "I have no problem with you or the cripple but I'll be damned if I take orders from that witch." "I know she's a handful, she's very driven though, that's the thing. She just wants to see the mission go off without a hitch and she doesn't like people like you naturally." "So because I left a less than acceptable life by her standards I'm nothing but an annoying pest." "Yeah. It's not like you help your image much. You hardly talk to us, you just sit there and look cool and all that." "It's not like I asked for her approval anyway. I'll do my duty, I'll fight those Titans, and when it's done I don't want to hear anything from any of you ever again. It's not that I hate you and Amy specifically, it's just, I'm not sure if I'm hero material." "Do you want to hear the real reason why Miki is so driven?" "Because she was chosen as leader and gets to boss us around?" "No, it goes much deeper than that."

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