Olympus 18- Son of Ares! Titan Red!

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Gou's day starts as it normally does. Getting up, brushing his teeth, eating breakfast, says goodbye to his family and runs to school with Shun near him every step of the way. "I can't wait for whats going to happen at school today." "Whatever happens, make the best out of it." "Bye Shun." As Gou runs to school happy, Shun walks back home where Hikari is leaving the house in a rush, Miyuki not far behind. "Thank you Shun, I have an important meeting today so you'll have to cook dinner, is that ok?" "Yeah, sure." "Thanks, you're a lifesaver." Back at Olympy, Dave wakes up and Hera is up with him, having cleaned up the place for him. "You didn't need to do that Hera." "But I wanted to. You didn't need to do that yesterday but you did. It's time we all pitched in and help keep this place spotless." "Well, that's very nice of you. I'm going out." "You forgot your soccer ball." "Not where I'm going. I'll see you later." "Bye." Hera thinks to herself "He seems unreasonably happy for a guy who just lost someone so dear to him. I just hope that he's expressing his emotions in a healthy way. Repression is never a good thing." Kai wakes up early by falling out of bed. "Perfect, your up. Take out the trash." "Why me? And where is Dave?" "Dave is out right now." "What, kicking a stupid ball around the-" Hera glare at him a bit. "Ok, it's not stupid, but why is he out this early in the day?" "Beats the hell out of me." Hera has an idea. "Like I said, go take out the trash and I'll go check something out." "Umm, ok." Kai begrudgingly takes out the trash as Hera uses the computer to track Dave. "So that's what he's doing." "Whats up?" "He's going to the flower shop." "Makes sense, being the pretty boy that he is." "KAI!" "What? It's true. He's not a very manly man." "Shh." Hera notices Dave looking much sadder than he was when he got up. "That's not good." "What? So he's sad. He has every right to be." "It's not that. He woke up with a smile and a yawn this morning. Now he's sad and he's buying flowers. He's probably going to the cemetery." "You're saying this like it's a problem. Plenty of people visit cemeteries when they have a dead loved one." "Did you?" "I didn't have a loved one that died." "Jamarah seemed pretty close to one." "We're just close friends." "Like brothers." "Yeah, but not quite." "I just hope Dave doesn't get swallowed up in grief." "Poor guy's had it rough. Not only loses his boyfriend but now had to kill his new girlfriend? I feel for him man." "That's very big coming from you Kai. Who knew you'd be able to show sympathy?" "It's not sympathy. I've had it much harder than he has." "I don't know." Hera gives him a suggestive grin as Kai goes to take a nap. "I want you to talk to Dave. He might need it. It would probably mean a lot to him if it came from you." "If I do this?" "I'll take out the trash for the month." "Fine, I'll go talk to him." Hera had her fingers crossed during the deal. "Like a girl like would take out the trash."

Dave walks towards the cemetery as Tetsu plans his next all out assault. "Asteria, do you have it?" "Of course. Hydra, arise!" A green five headed dragon with no arms and 5 long necks emerges. The Hydra then splits into 5 serpentine warriors with arms and basic scimitars. "Having strength in numbers has been the Joutengers special advantage. Even when we've split them up they've managed to produce a numbers advantage against us. Now with the Hydra we'll balance the scales." "Don't forget, whenever one of its heads gets cut off, another grows in its place." "This plan will go off without a hitch. I know it will. It has to. This is my final stand." "I wish you luck Lord Tetsu." "Lord?" "Yes. You are my superior after all." Tetsu is a bit weirded out by this but pays no mind to it." "Don't worry Tetsu, you'll be fine no matter what happens." Asteria winks at him as she crosses her fingers. Typhon walks in as Tetsu walks out. "Excuse me." "Of course Lord Tetsu. My apologizes." Tetsu gets even more weirded out. "No, let it go, I need to stay focused to defeat the Joutengers. I need my biggest gambit to pull this off." As the Hydra is about to follow Tetsu, Typhon pats him on the back. "Remember the plan." The Hydra nods and catches up to Tetsu. Chronos emerges from his slumber and has an amused look on his face. "The day of reckoning has come. Time to see if he was truly worthy of being my heir." Asteria says "He's so much more determined today Lord Chronos. There is a good chance he could be successful." "I hope so, for his sake." Tetsu, once he reaches Japan via red wing, orders his army to stand down at the shore while he takes care of some business. "I'll be back soon, when I give the signal, you all come with." The Quadriga spirit appears in his head. "I hope you know what you're doing." "I know very well what I'm doing." "There's certain depths that even I wouldn't sink, I hope you understand that." "What we're going to do is very simple. Just let me handle this." "For a man who looks so self assured, there appears to be a sliver of remorse in your soul." "A soldier has no remorse. I will accomplish my goals. It's the only way to true happiness." "If you say so." Quadriga leaves his mind as Tetsu continues walking towards the cemetery.

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