Chapter 2

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HELLO! I just want to say thank you to everyone that is reading this. I will try and post a new chapter as often as I can but your comments really help give me inspiration. 

I hope you all enjoy! :)

At lunch, Dan was invited to sit with the same people from his English class. Allison and Chloe were sure to secure the spots next to Dan while Tyler seemed a bit pushy to sit across from him.

"So Daniel, tell us about yourself." Chloe smiled leaning in a bit too close for comfort.

"You can call me Dan if you want." Dan replied taking out his lunch bag and pouring out the contents.

"Dan. Okay." Allison cut in before Chloe could say anything picking a stray hair off his uniform shirt.

"Yeah." Dan nodded uncomfortable at the amount of attention he was getting.

Do they know? Did the teachers tell them of his family's wealth? Or are they just being nice and making him feel welcome? Dan turned to look at Liam who just rolled his eyes at him shoving his sandwich in his mouth. Part of Dan wanted to ask Liam if he was okay, but the other part didn't want to push anything. The whole Frankenstein thing already had him skating on thin ice and he didn't want to ruin what he had with his new group. Dan took a bite from his sandwich chewing it slowly, keeping it to one side of his mouth in the event someone asked him something and he'd have to talk again.

"Pete! James! Hey man." Zachery greeted two more boys as they took a seat squeezing in next to him. "Guys, this is Dan. Dan, Pete and James."

"Hello." Dan waved swallowing. "How are you?"

"Just come from tea with the Queen, yeah?" Pete asked while James snickered.

"Uh- no. I-"

"Shut up dickhead!" Chloe glared grabbing onto Dan's arm. "Ignore them Dan. They just take the piss out of anyone who'll let them. I think your accent is sexy."

"Um- thanks." Dan blushed looking into his lap hoping he wasn't giving off a wrong impression to anyone.

He had no idea of this group's history: who dated who, who cheated and who stayed faithful, who's into girls and who's into guys and if that's even okay by this group's standards. Would they hate Dan if he was dating a guy? He found himself lacking knowledge that actually mattered making him feel small - insignificant. He looked past everyone and saw that black haired boy with the light blue eyes from English trying to slide through the crowds to run out of the cafeteria.

"Hey, where's he going?" Dan pointed over Tyler's shoulder. "Should we invite him over?"

"Freaky Phil? No way!" James laughed while Liam and Pete joined in.

"No, just leave him." Alyssa cut in their laughter. "He likes to be alone anyways. He's just a really weird kid."

"What makes his so weird?" Dan pressed.

"He just is!" Zachery continued for Alyssa. "He never talks. Like, ever. Not even when he's called on."

"Maybe he's shy." Dan offered making the entire table break out laughing.

"No Dan. You don't understand." Tyler said as he was the first to calm down. "He's stupid or something. I guess his voice box broke when he was born or something."

Dan bit his tongue to stop himself from informing Tyler that there was no such thing as a voice box and that human sound came from a vibration in the vocal chords.

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