Chapter 3

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Hello lovlies. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it :)


Phil's whole body shook and he took the notebook from Dan's hands, running passed him and out the door of the school.

"Wait!" Dan called chasing after him looking completely insane.

Phil didn't turn back, running down the sidewalk as he knew Dan was following him.

"Can you please stop?" Dan called almost sounding whiny.

Though in his defense, the ground hid ice patches well and he didn't feel like falling flat on his ass in front of most of the school. Phil didn't stop, but slowed to a walk. He really did not want to have this boy around him- he just wanted to get home.

"Thank you." Dan sighed pulling his backpack back on his shoulder and fixing his hair. "I'm Daniel. You can call me Dan if you want though." he smiled holding out his hand.Phil didn't pick his head up, staring at the ground as he gripped at his sketchbook for dear life, trying to hide his trembling hands.

"Right." Dan coughed awkwardly taking his hand back. "So - you like to draw then?" Dan tried making small talk. Phil once again didn't even attempt to answer, he figured maybe Dan would leave if he ignored him. Phil wasn't like other kids - small talk wouldn't get him to "open up".

"Can you please say something? I mean, you sort of have a drawing of my face in that book of yours." Dan almost begged poking Phil's book. Instead of saying anything, Phil flipped to the best drawing of Dan he had and ripped it out, handing it to him. He hoped that would make him leave.

"What's this?" Dan asked looking at another picture of him that Phil drew. "How many of these do you have?" He questioned - impressed by Phil's talent. "This must take you days to do. How do you do it if I'm not sitting still and posing? Don't you need someone to pose and stay still to draw them?" Dan found himself babbling. Babbling? Howellsnever babble. They speak when they have something intelligent to say and that's it. Phil got even more frustrated when Dan didn't leave him alone. It was obvious he didn't want to answer any of these questions but that didn't seem to matter to him.

"Did I do something to make you hate me so much?!" Dan blurted out - shouting because this isn't fair! "Was it something I said? Or did? If it's the whole backpack thing, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it. But I haven't even said anything to you and you're just ignoring me!"

Howells never shout. It's not proper. They argue civilly and destroy their opponent with words - not volume. But Howells also are never ignored. Ever. And seeing as Dan seemingly did nothing to be ignored, he felt it was not appropriate on Phil's part to ignore him. So Dan was not going to be appropriate either and yell at him.

Phil flinched at the shout, and stopped walking. Trembling, he turned slightly towards Dan but kept his head down. He opened up his notebook and flipped to a clean page. Trying to control his shaking hand, he scribbled 'What do you want from me?'

"I-" Dan stopped noticing Phil trembling. "Are you - shaking? Sorry, I didn't mean to yell, I just wanted to know why you were ignoring me." Dan replied taking the paper from Phil reading his note. "I don't want anything. I- um- I don't know." Dan stuttered.

Why is he stuttering? Howells don't stutter. They're clear, concise and confident with everything they say. What did he even want from Phil?

"I want to know why you are ignoring me." Dan decided holding his head a bit higher.

Howells are never ignored.

Phil didn't really know how to answer that. Phil knew better than to speak the truth, it would probably result in offending Dan. He closed his eyes for a moment before bring his pencil back to paper. 'I'll stop drawing you if you want, I'm sorry.'

"No, I mean you don't have to, but - wait. Why are you passing me notes? We're not in school. You can talk to me you know. I don't bite."

Phil felt his fear worsen and he couldn't take it any longer. He took off in the direction of his house, dropping his pencil. He didn't care, he had plenty at home. He was having trouble breathing and he almost despised Dan in that moment.

"Wait! Ugh!" Dan called letting Phil just run.

He bent down picking up Phil's drawing pencil and studied it. It looked pretty special - one you couldn't buy at an office supply store but one that is specifically for drawing only. It probably didn't cost too much, but it would probably be something Phil wanted back. Dan unzipped a pouch on his backpack tossing it in making his way down the block where his too big, too fancy car with his own chauffeur was waiting. It was Friday night! He wasn't going to let it be taken over by a guy he barely knows. Dan took out his phone to see a couple texts from his group of friends asking if he was free. He smiled at his phone texting back a quick 'yes' to everyone, then climbed in the back seat more than ready to begin his Friday night.

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