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Bella's POV
"Is there a spirit here with us?" I said.
There was silence and not a single movement, the only thing you could hear was our breathing.
"I told you it's bullshit" Grayson said.As soon as he finished his sentence the front door opened and slammed back shut.
We all looked at eachother and gulped.
"I probably left it open and the wind must've closed it" he said not so sure. We all nodded and suddenly the guider moved, making us flinch.
"Guys stop moving it" Alice whined.
I glared at Grayson and he shook his head.
"Ok let's try again, Ethan is that you"I said out loud.
The windows started vibrating and the guider moved.
"Y-E-S" we all said as the guider moved.Tears formed in my eyes and trickled down my cheeks.
"Guys if you are moving this please stop" I said.Grayson chuckled and removed his fingers from the guider.
"You guys are so dumb thinking this would actually work" he said getting up.As he got up he fell back to the floor harshly and hissed from the pain.
"Oouu...." he said touching his back.
Then we heard all the windows shut and the curtains cover up.I looked at Grayson which was curling up in a ball from the pain as his body started twitching.
"Gray, what's wrong?" I yelled.His body tensed up and relaxed as he inhaled deeply before exhaling.
"What the hell is happening?" He breathed out.
Alice became pale and beads of sweat formed on her forhead.
"Guys someone is here with us" I said.
"Ethan is that you" I said as we all put our fingers on the guider.
"I-T-S-M-E" the guider spelt letter by letter.
"Grayson if this is one of your jokes stop it now" I said looking at him.
He shook his head terrified.
"Ethan we miss you so much!" I cried.
"I-M-I-S-S-Y-O-U-T-O-O" he spelt.I started shaking ad my breathed hitched.He's here with us.


Update! Whaaaaaaatt...!!?!?!?

Anyways I see you guys are liking this book huh?
Believe me I get myself scared writing this LOL and then I laugh at myself XD

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