Seventeen: Candor

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*New cover credits to TheVwitchProject  thanks so much!*

I can't recall how Keith and I became friends - I don't even have a recollection of how we met.

Certain things in life cannot be explained. Like taking your first breath when you are brought into this world. You don't need to learn how to breathe, you just know it. It's in you. All it takes is a little pat on the back from the doctor to help you kick start.

My friendship with Keith is exactly like that. 

Inexplicable, indescribable. We were always meant to be.

Keith is already a part of my life when I was born. Being two years older, he welcomed me into kindergarten and showed me around school. He protected me from bullies, lied for me when I was in trouble, everything a brother would do. He would never ditch me for friends his own age. He is the Jack to my Jill.

Mother used to say, back when we were still a normal happy family, that she expected me to end up with Keith. Fortunately, that never happened. I love Keith and all, but that would just be plain weird. It would be like dating your own brother. No, just no.

Eventually, Rachel came along on my first day in elementary school. I remember that particular scene well - Rach in pigtails, wearing a bright pink dress, looking up at Keith with adoration as he climbed down the tree in the school playground, my kite in a hand. We both accepted her into our little duo, and we became the three musketeers, especially after Rach avenged my stolen chocolate bar. I had always suspected that Rach had a little crush on Keith, but I never asked her about it.

Our memories together flash through my mind as I make my drive back to the Baxters. I wonder how things would be different if I hadn't overheard Rach's conversation with Liliana Jacobson. We would still be friends, I think, but I would always be kept in the dark. I'd rather things turn out like this.

I'm driving up to the house when I notice another car parked in my spot. I squint, matching the silver Toyota Hilux with the database in my head. It only takes a second for me to realize it's Noah's. What in the world is he doing here at this hour?

I bring my knuckles forward, about to knock on the door when it is swung open, and the person who greets me is none other than the Noah.

"Uh, hey?"

His face is an unreadable mask. He steps outside, slamming the door behind him and tugs at my wrist, pulling us behind a pepper tree in front of the Baxters's to hide us from prying eyes. I almost trip over my own legs as a result of being too stunned at Noah's reaction. He catches me before I fall.

"Where the fuck did you go and why the hell didn't you answer my calls?"

I wince at his tone. He hardly raised his voice, but it's the coldness of it that I'm not used to. He's slipping back to the robot Noah and I hate it. "I was at Olinda Creek," I mumble, staring past his shoulder and into the dark street.

"Of course. It's only the best place to murder someone and make it look like an accident."

My eyes widen at that. I can't tell if there's a double meaning behind his sentence.

"Give me your phone," Noah growls lowly, face still emotionless.

"What? Why?"

"Just give me your goddamn phone!"

I jump a bit at the harshness of it but fish the phone out from my back pocket anyway. It's not really mine to begin with. It's Erin's old iPhone 4 S. She lent it to me because of my lack thereof.

Starting Over Anderson || ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang