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Welcome to Ravenstone. An Academy for the gifted and talented, Where all the dreams of children from infante years to adulthood come true. 

Phahahaha! I cant do this shit. Let me just give the rundown of this boarding school. Kids here aren't normal. What ever normal is, they arent it. You know those films? camp half blood or something like that. Well. This School is that. We're shipped off here from all corners (Even if Earth is round) of the globe. you see if we were dogs we'd be mutts. We're half and half. not always human and mythological being.

To be honest we are the rejects. Our parents don't want anything to do with us. most of us are one night stands. accidents. condom split. skipped the pill. that sort of stuff. I've got siblings. but because im a hybrid, I've never met them.

So all in all. 

It's a school for Magical Hybrid Orphans. And we basically are in here to "learn our place" in society. We won't be accepted in the human world neither are we accepted anywhere else. Especially me. Being Hadeus daughter has its flaws. Being half mortal also has its flaws. Being both. sucks. I'm represented as being evil in both places and not only that not even my parents accept me.

Wait i forgot to mention. From a very young age we are hunted down. And no not those wannabes that go off hunting full blood vampires and werewolves. Skakis. They don't hunt full bloods. They hunt us.


"You may be new here but we will not tolerate this... This behaviour. Act your age. You could of gotten killed. or even worse. got the rest of us killed Do you realise how dangerous that was? Are you even listening to me? " The man in front of me gave me a stern look. His eyes boring into mine, probably trying to intimidate me.

"Yeah yeah. dangerous. act my age. don't do it again. I got it. Can i go now?" I waved the older man off, motioning my head to the door to the right of us. His office smelt like pen ink and cold coffee and his voice annoyed me. Making me want to get out of this stingy little room as soon as possible. 

"You are dismissed." The defeated sigh brought a grin to my face. the adults here are such pushovers. i love it. Dashing out i didn't wait incase he changed his mind and kept me there. I, however, heard his retreating voice "Just dont do it again!" 

I laughed at that. He thinks i'll do what he asks. I just won't get caught next time. Simple.

Not noticing the figure in front of me, i next found myself on the floor, looking up at who ever i bumped into. Fear rushed over me. not him. please anyone but him. 

"Well, looky here. As if it's not my favourite angel " I snarled at him as he bent down and took my chin between his forefinger and thumb. Smirking at my reaction. "Tut tut tut. don't be like that. Where's your little friend... what's her name? oh yeah little Bethany. You remember her right? The one that cheated on you for me? She was sooooo good at sucking my d-" I didn't let him finish before my fist connected with his jaw. A loud crunching sound was made from the impact. I ran before he came to his senses. 

Crashing in to my dorm. I forgot my roommate/best friend  had her boytoy round.... "Sh*t! sorry! I didnt mean to. Carry on" I covered my eyes stumbling around the room.

"Lilith. We weren't doing anything. stop looking so embarrassed" Slowly i uncovered my eyes to see, she was in fact correct. 

"Why are you two naked th..... You just finished didn't you"  

"Yep. Danny you can go now. I'll see you next week" And like a trained little puppy he got dressed and grabbed his shoes. leaving before i could even get the word 'bye' out.

"You're gonna catch Herpes or some other STI like Chlamydia" 

Strutting around in her birthday suit. She looked over her shoulder at me "You're just jealous you cant get anyone" 

"No i'm just not interested in anyone right now" The disbelieving hmm that came from behind the mini fridges door  made me huff. "If you weren't half siren you wouldn't even get anyone" She laughed at my childish muttering. Throwing a grape at my head. 

"Heard you got called to the office for your 'behaviour' what happened?" She began to put clothes on thank god. It's kinda like seeing your sibling walk around naked, right after you walked in on them after sex.

"How do you know that? I was in there like 15 minutes ago. Whatever. i got caught leaving campus without permission or with someone else." I laid down, bringing my little samsung phone out. looking through it absentmindedly. 

"Lilith, You've got to be more careful. please." 

"Ash, I'm fine. I wont be caught by them. they're just humans anyway." I shrugged one shoulder pulling a 'no big deal face' at her (Oh shh, you know what one i mean) 

"Humans that have been trained to take us down Lilith! Don't you understand? They could kill you if you aren't careful" she shook her head. sighing. "Please Lilith be careful. I know you want to be able to go out on your own, but the risks are too high. One slip up and you're a goner" She knew that saying this wasn't going to go through my stubborn head. no matter how much she wants it to. 

A silence filled the room. not awkward, course not. shes my best friend nothings awkward with her. it was more of, i don't know what to say but i need to say something, silence. I sighed, looking at her. I could see the concern in her eyes... and mischief?  "So you better tell me next time so i can go with you betch. I hate this hell hole as much as you do. No pun intended" She punched me in the arm, chuckling to herself for her 'brilliant' pun, air quotes intended. 

"Very funny, like seriously i'm trying to contain my laughter right now" I rolled my eyes at her still bobbing shoulders. weirdo. 

"Anyway, Why don't we go out tonight? they won't expect you to disobey the headmaster so soon" 

now i liked the sound of that. 


Pulling my hood up over my head, i looked in the mirror. I looked normal. Everything looked normal. almost everything. only my eyes and teeth. as the daughter of hades, i had to inherit traits. like my sharpened canine tips, or the deathly pale complexion. i could live with them. the little things. but one thing i hated. my eyes. i had to take his. not my mothers. i had to take the ugly red shine. the red flakes in my grey eyes.

Its rare to take more from the human parent than the non human. i was lucky to not inherit little horns. 

Ash walked in. hauling rope with her. "Come on, let's go before we get caught, she tied the rope out the bed post before throwing the rest out the window. halfway out the window she finally looked at me. "Lil, you can't change who you are." She grunted as she eased herself down the rope " maybe your appearance but you're broke as fuck so plastic surgery is out the question." She wasn't my best friend for nothing

"Imma comin' Just let me slip my shoes on" Jogging across the room after my shoes were on my feet, i climbed down the rope, sprinting across campus till we made it to the academies cars. Driving to the city.

An unnerving feeling settled in my chest. As if something bad was going to happen.

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