chapter 3

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One dragged me whilst the other spoke to the man I met before, the boss. His face stone cold. Glancing at me as i struggled to get free. I was brought to my knees as the wind was knocked out of me. My jaw made a sickening crack as the next blow was to my face. spitting out blood i glared at the person in front of me. I could feel the pain before it even got to me. But i couldnt care. The bloody spit on his shoes brought another pound to my body.

I still didn't crack. If they're gonna kill me. i will not go willingly.

Slowly I stood. facing the offender. The man looked back with venom. "Well hello again"I carried on staring. A blank expression on my face. His face twisted into a sickening smile. Bile coming up as i watched him. "Still feeling feisty?" I snarled at him. Implying my answer. "Thats good"

Taking me by the hair. he yanked me towards a door. Its handle silver and gleaming under the blinding lights. It gave off a menacing vibe. as if it held many dark secrets inside. My stomach churned at the thought. The inside was a small room. Chipped walls as if multiple people have tried to get out, shackles hung from one wall whilst the other adorned a wooden plank chained to the wall as a makeshift bed. 

I cringed at the smell.

My face made contact with the floor, knocking me from my thoughts. Staring at their backs as they walked me out. However, the boss did turn around at the door. "I hope being in here will..... Discipline you" He snickered before leaving fully. The door closed with a creak. The back of the door was designed with scratch marks and painted with dark red liquid. From the room full of other creatures, i wasn't surprised at the blood. Thing was, some was still wet.

It must of been the fifth day that the door opened. There was a small vent at the top of one wall, letting a small stream of light in, letting me figure out if it was night or day. The person standing there was masked. Behind them was a cart, the boss walking in after it. 

"Isn't it nice to see you again my dear" He clicked his tongue. Tsking at me. "My, haven't you shrunk" He laughed at his joke. Dramatically wiping under his right eye. "Enough of the jokes. let's get down to business" He grinned at me, bending down to my level on the floor. "Are you going to co-operate?" His gammy breath made me want to throw up. In my weak state i was still able to answer.

"No" It may of came out raspy and turn. But it was still an answer. He gripped my upper arm, forcing me closer to him. 

"You sure that's the right answer?" Looking into his eyes. I repeated my answer. To my surprise his expression became. Excited? Clapping his hands he stood, walking out. "You heard her. Do what you have to do." 

The other person dragged me to the shackles. Chaining me to the wall. Only then did they open the cart. My back was to them, only hearing the sound of metal hitting metal. The figure tore the back of my already tattered clothes.The coldness brought chills on my back. I continued to stare at the molding wall. Not letting any emotion portray. "Only doing my job. Sorry miss"

Hot liquid was pushed into me. A drug of some sort. The familiar rush ran through my weak frame as my wings were brought out. The masked figure pierced the top of both wings making me screech. chaining my wings out, The clang of metal signaled them picking up a different instrument. Nothing. There was no movement, no footsteps could be heard. The silence unnerved me, as if they were toying with me. A searing pain emitted in my body. Inhuman screams pierced through me as my wings were continued to cut into. I made it worse by struggling. Blood splattering the floor and my back. I could feel each nerve ripping, the bones having to be snapped.  My shrill cries continued for as long as I could bare the pain. 

A dull thud reached my ears as one of me wings hit the wall beside me, hanging from the wall by the hook. I couldn't take my eyes off i, the features were snapped and falling off where they tried to get a better grip. Blood oozed out of it, making a puddle beneath it. The tip were the hook went in was a slanted line where i struggled. Blackness started to overcome my vision as my next wing snapped. 

By the time i opened my eyes i was back in the stingy old cage. My movements caused pain to run through my body, dried blood surrounded me and stained anything it touched. I risked placing my hands towards my back, the dried blood was like a blanket for my wounds, But i couldn't go any further, I felt sick with the pain.

Before i knew what was happening i was ripped from my cage, skidding on the floor. A man stared down at me. "You gonna listen now?" I let out a feeble whimper. Tears forming in my eyes as others eyes were on me. He grabbed my hair by the roots. Forcing me to look straight in his eyes. "I said. Are. You. Going. To. Listen." Each word was said through gritted teeth, venom dripped from them. I noded, not trusting my voice.

He had a look of achievement on his face as he dropped me back to the floor. "I've got a special task for you little devil." He clicked his fingers, having people drag me as he talked, we passed through the door, leaving the other hybrids behind, I kept my head down as we passed door after door. Until we stopped at one, The exact same as the rest. 

 "You seem to be a powerful creature. So i'm gonna do you a HUGE favour" He pushed a key through the lock, twisting it till a satisfying click was heard. Going over the fresh hold i noticed it was some sort of small hospital ward, beds lining the walls. "I'll get you sewn up, and then we will talk business" Heaving me onto a bed, a nurse came up to me, cleaning the blood from my body. He didn't even look at me, or say a word. Just did his job.

Like everyone else in this place. 

He pushed me down till my stomach was flat against the bed. Slowly He started to sterilize the area. Before he started to fix my back.I dont know anything about surgery but i didn't think you filed off bone ends, but he did.  Pulling at the flesh so it covers the now smooth bone he started to sew. Before wrapping me in surgical bandages. I smiled gratefully at him. But he didn't look, just turned and walked away, as if he didn't care. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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