Chapter 2

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Naruto's POV:

It's been two years since I saw Sasuke but for that period of time we have been in contact. We would text each other about how our days have been and we would occasionally call each other and share jokes and laugh. Some of these things reminded me of the first time we I saw him. After two years of not seeing him and having this distance between us, I realized that I may have feelings for Sasuke but those voices which told me I did were not certain.

(Little time skip of a few weeks)

Sasuke's POV:

It was the summer holidays now and Naruto texted me saying he wanted to see me again. My heart started beating faster and this made me realize, that these feelings for him were real. I decided that I will tell him so there wouldn't be any tension between us and hoping that maybe he feels the same.

(A time skip again to a few hours later.)

It was six o'clock and I was sitting at my computer waiting for a call from Naruto. The only way we can see each other was by Skype. Even though I can't see him face to face I still get excited. I get to see his blue eyes. His smile and how it seems to brighten up the room that I'm in even though he's not near.

I get snapped out of my daydreaming by the call from Naruto. I gather myself together and the press the button. His face appears on my screen soonly followed by a calming hello.

Naruto's POV:

Half an hour passed. We were laughing and sharing stories of our life and our friends. After awhile a silence fell upon us and we sat there. Nothing. A minute or two passed and I thought I should break it to him. How I felt about him. "I... um... I really like you Sasuke." I blurt out and as I do I can feel my face grow hot and I hope it isn't visibly red. There is a pause and I feel time stop. Just as I was about to say sorry I hear a voice. "I really like you too." The voice belonged to Sasuke. As I hear those five words my heart beat quickens. I look up from staring at my lap in embarrassment. "You mean... you mean you'd go out... with me?" I say this staring back into my lap. I feel my face grow hotter. "Yes dobe." He says quietly, but also loud enough for me to hear. I was so happy to hear those that he spoke. I looked up to see his smile at me. All I could do was smile back. I was speechless.

Sasuke's POV:

After a few minutes of silence, we arranged to meet up in the holidays. This would be our first date and we both couldn't wait.

(Time skip... again I know. I'm sorry.)

Naruto's POV:

A couple of weeks, later I was walking towards the place we would meet up at. My heart was racing so fast, that all I could hear over the crowd of people as the beating of my heart. Just as I got closer I could see him. My heart stopped. His face was pale and he looked like an angel.

I came up behind him and rested my head on his shoulder. Sasuke looked at me with a surprised look, which soon turned into a sweet smile. How I missed that smile of his. It made his face glow and made him look more cute than he was. After awhile, we set off. We were walking around looking into shop windows, laughing and exchanging conversations. When we got to the park, everything was drowned in the colour of orange. The sun was setting and the sky looked beautiful. I was happy to share this moment with Sasuke. As I looked up into the sky I felt something grab my hand gently. I looked down to find Sasuke's fingers intertwined with mine and as I look up, I realise he was blushing. As if he didn't want me to see, he kissed me suddenly. I was shocked by the sudden movement but soon felt myself kissing back. As we drew back, both mine and Sasuke's faces were a crimson red. We both stood in silence, embarrassed by what happened.

Sasuke's POV:

I walked Naruto home and dropped him off by his front gate. Just as I was about to go Naruto pulled me back for a quick kiss and left me standing there in shock.

That day keeps playing back through my mind. It was the best thing that happened to me and I was so happy to be where I am now.

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