03. Pinic

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Waiting on my porch in my floral dress and sandals with my hair tied with a white ribbon in a curled ponytail. It's about 80 degrees, the weather is perfect. I'm waiting for Michael to pick me up. We are supposed to be going on a picnic today. I take a sip on my water and pop in a mint. I walk 5 more minutes until I see a short Limo pull up.

I go to the back door and see Michael sitting in the back seat. It struck me. High waisted black jeans with a tight blue long sleeve shirt tucked in. He has his wayfarers sunglasses on and chewing on some gum. He turns to me "Hi Olivia" and smiles. I get in the back seat. "So where are you talking me Mr. Jackson?" I laugh. Only because I say it sarcastingly. "Well, my house." "Your house?" "Yeah my house.'' He smiles again, showing his pearly whites. "I've never been to your house. Well, of course not. But what are doing? "A picnic like you said Olivia" he laughs again. "Michael but I thought we were going to go to go I dont know..a part or something.. "Olivia, it'll be fun, I promise."

We pull into the long drive way. His house I thought. I wonder how it looks. I wonder how it's layout is. I never even heard about Michael Jackson's home. Well maybe due to me never reading articles or watching T.V. But I don't know, I'm having butterflies in my stomach. He's so handsome, sparkling brown eyes. Perfect features. I also have a torso fetish. I know, I'm weird. But it's so lovely. And his long legs. And his big hands. And his curls falling over his face. I look down at the seat and I see Sandy Elizabeth Greenberg, Playboy's Playmate of this month, June 1987. I quickly grab it. "Michael you know, I was offered a month last year, 1986, but I turned it down" "Why'd you turn it down?" "Well Michael that was before I became a stripper. I wasn't interested, but the later issues made me select working at a club for the easy life. I mean, I wouldn't have shown as much as these chicks anyway." I laugh. "You're a very beautiful girl, you don't need playboy. You know, I really love your eyes. They're so mezmerising, so captivating. When I look into a womans eyes, especially a beautiful ones, my heart becomes heavy and I want to know you, all of you.

We pull up in the drive way completely. "Neverland Ranch" was written on the gate. Past the gate, I could see a huge lot. I can't believe my eyes. We get out the car and Michael and I walk to the paveway. I see a man with two horses. He's on one and I assume Michael and I share one. "Ready?" he asked me, holding my waist ready to put me on the horse. "We're getting on the horsie?" I'm scared of horses. When I say scared, I mean scared. "Alright" I said. I know damn well I don't want to get on this horse. He puts me on and the horse jerks a little. "Michael! No get me off I'm scared!" I try to come off. "Olivia look at me. It's okay. I'm going to come one now. No need to be scared." He climbs on the horse and the horse doesn't jerk. Seriously I thought? The horsie probably doesn't like me. Michael taps the horse and it's starting to walk, following the instructer. As we walk towards the field, I see a bunch of rides. "Michael" "Yes, Olivia?" "You-you bought all off this?" "Yes, I did Olivia." He laughs. ''I like these rides, I never really got to enjoy this when I was little.'' I feel his hands move to my waist. "Me either. That's why I created Neverland. I can escape it all. I mean, from work and adult life. Inside I'm a little kid." "Michael, this is nice really. I'm really enjoying this horse ride. It's calm and I get to see your beautiful place. I noticed you're beyond creative." "Thank you Olivia"

We arrive in a small field area. There's this tree with shade and a blanket set on the floor. There's a basket and a cooler. We get off the basket and the man takes the horses back over. We sit on the blanket and he opens the basket. "So, what are we having" I say. "Food" "Michael, I know we're having food. What kind?" 'Well, open the basket Olivia." I open the basket and I pull out some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, some packs of pop rocks, some potato chips, and capri-sun's. "Oh well well well, look who packed this basket." I laughed. "You can tell I packed this basket?" he said with the best poker face ever. Of course I don;t take his seriously. "Oh course I can tell. These are kiddy foods, but I don't mind really. I love pop rocks and PB&J's" He smiles. "Well good, because I'm not that krafty in the kitchen." We unwrap our sandwiches and take bites. He takes the biggest bite and half his sandwich is done. "Michael you're almost done with that sandwich!" He laughs and his teeth is filled with the sandwich and I search the basket and find a coke can. I toss it to his indicating for his to swoosh it around his mouth. He opens it and it sprays. I start laughing and he gulps it down. 

"So tell me about yourself Olivia." I finish drinking my coke and start talking. 'Well, I'm 22. I am a mixed child. Russian and Italian. I was born in New York, but I moved here to California when I was 12. I never really had many friends, wasn't that popular. I love Math and History. I ended up dropping out of college because my parents wouldn't pay because of my ex boyfriend I had. It was totally stupid. But I love reading and playing volley ball. I love kids. What about you?" "I'm 28, I was born in Gary, Idiana. I never had friends. My brothers were my friends. I never had fun like that. I love Art and English. I love hanging out with my animals and I love riding around my park. I love kids also." I start to reply but something gets caught in my eye. "Ow!" I start to rub my eye and it wont come out. "Here" Michael comes closer to me and relaxes me. He gently blows in my eyes and it feels better. We look into each others eyes and he kisses me on my cheek. We both sit in place and smile at each other. "I hope that wasn't inappropriate" he joked. "No, it was perfect."

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