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      She hated him. That's it. That's all Elizabeth Monroe could think about as she drove herself to his mansion at 1 freaking a.m.  And by his, I mean Liam Gordon's mansion. Liam Gordon, her boss.
    At age 29, Liam is considered one of the most sought after bachelor's in society. She worked for him as his secretary for about a year now. Liam's father was the one that hired her for Liam after the last secretary was fired after she practically offered herself to Liam in nothing but her slutty underwear in his office.  Only it wasn't Liam who entered the office that day. It was Liam's mother. Elizabeth knew Liam's father as she used to work part time in his favourite Library.  He knew Elizabeth wouldn't 'jump' Liam at any chance she gets and would tell Liam to shove it if he got out of control. Not that she blamed his old secretary. Although Liam never payed attention to his employees like that, he was pretty have carved to perfection. With light blonde hair and blue eyes and a body which screamed yes I workout and yes you want me to fuck you , he was literally a woman's wet dream.
As much as hot he was, he was much more intimidating. It was rare to even see him actually smile. Stone faced and cold heart did take him to be the CEO and owner of the no.1 company in this industry. He was the complete package and he knew it. But did he date? No.
Sure Elizabeth had seen him hanging out with a few women but he never found them interesting enough to see them again.
And here she was. Driving to his place at 1 a.m. just because he needed a file. Urgently. Elizabeth cursed him when he first called her about how he couldn't wait till morning to get it. Oh how she wished she could strangle him. Maybe that's what she will do when she gets there. 

5 minutes later she reached. Ringing the doorbell and cursing the night to be so chilled, the doors opened. And she knew she was a goner right there and then. She was a woman after all.  She wasn't oblivious as to how hot the man was but the sight in front of her was making her feel all hot and bothered.
There he was. Liam Gordon. Standing in front of her in nothing but sweat pants hanging low on his hips. No shirt. Well fuck me, she thought.

"Finally! What took you so long, woman?!"

"Uh...um...I uh...."

"Are you trying to be annoying? Cause, trust me, it's working."

And that snapped her out of her daze. Annoying?! He was calling her annoying?!

"Well if someone didn't call me at 1 fucking a.m. then maybe I wouldn't be so annoying!"

"Just come on in."

    Oh no no no, she thought. Going in means standing in the same room as him all alone in this mansion with him....shirtless him. That was just plain outright dangerous. Those damn abs were just so tempting....making her think about him in ways she isn't supposed to.

But of course he didn't listen. So here she was, standing in his home office room while he went through the papers she brought.

(The main scenes shall be displayed in the second part of this book. I shall update very soon. Thank you for reading!)

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