Love Bites

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Its been a few days since the awkward situation on our new bed. I wanted to keep it quite that we where now sharing a bed, but of course Luke made sure that as soon as he could he announced to everyone that we where basically a couple without the intimacy. Once one person knew, it spread like wildfire.

It didn't help that I had two love bites, one on my neck visiable to everyone then one on the top of my left boob. This made a lot of rumours appear.

Although they weren't true some where just ridiculous. Apparently me and him where having sex every night, also I was told someone said we slept naked together. I'm sure that Luke was encouraging the rumours by saying some of them where true, which made everyone go mental.
The school had obviously heard about these rumours and want to have a meeting with us and make us speak to the school nurse. I'm guessing they just don't want no teenage pregnancys starting, it's a shit school already they don't need a student getting pregnant.
The meeting was after school so I have a few more hours until they tell me how to live my life.

As I walked to the lunch area i felt people's stares buring into me as I simply walk. Nobody knows how to mind their own business.

I slumped down into the chair and put my earphones in blocking out the world, I really don't want to deal with bullshit. Just to make it even clearer I started playing around on my phone advoding eye contact, and putting my music full volume.

I was left alone for a few minutes until my ears phones where pulled out my ears.

I turned around to the head screaming at me. I didn't know what I had done now, I wasn't ment to be seeing him until later.
I picked up my bags and was escorted to his office by two members of staff, if people weren't staring at me before they sure as hell where now.

I was told to wait outside his office then I see Luke being escorted up as well. Oh this is definitely his fault, I gave him a death stare and he just shrugged his shoulders. Four other members of staff then went into the office leaveing me and Luke In the hallway scared shitless.

"What the fuck have you done, why are we here now. What the hell is going on Luke!!"

"I don't know Skye, I've done nothing I promise, I'm just as clueless as you"

I rolled my eyes then we both shut up. The head came out and asked us to enter. Matty and Mick where sitting at the table already. We where both told to sit down next to them. They already looked like they been given hell already.

"Urm sir, what's going on? Why are we here now" I asked him as politely as possible trying not to be shouted at.

"Well Miss young, it seems like Matilda has gotten into some big trouble, she was caught selling the answer to GCSE exams."

I gave Matty a death stare she knew she had fucked up this time.

"That still doesn't explain while I am here, I wasn't involved." The head looked extremely annoyed.

"Well you have been seen with marks on your body which are not exeptable for school."

"You are making me sound like I've been left with sex stamps claiming everyone I've fucked."


I finally had enough of being a good girl. I don't have any reason to be the perfect child and stay under the radar, I can do what I want, say what I want. I'm started now.

"Well actually I wasn't given a first warning so it can't be my last warning, also your annoying me."

Matty and Luke both nudged my legs under the table trying to tell me to stop, I just looked at them both and mouthed, don't stop me then a smiled and winked at Luke.

"MISS YOUNG. I am done with all the distribution you are causing in lessons and around the school."


Everyone's gaw dropped. No body could quite believe what had just happened, but I was done with being just a person in the background.

"Now if you would like to exclude me please do it promptly because we have plans to fuck in the toilet in about ten minutes. Oh yeah I forgot, go fuck yourself, maybe if you was less interested in my sex life you could actually make this a good school."

I stormed out the office and ran back to the cafeteria with about five teacher chasing me. I jumped onto a table and started my announcement.

" OKAY you wanna know my sex life okay here you go, Luke is the AMAZING in bed, we sleep together naked every night oh and I'm declaring a half day you can all leave now."

I was shaking after saying everything but I then got down from the table and about ten teachers escorted me into the office and locked the door back into the school.

I waited until Dani came and picked me and Luke up, she look extremely cross while she was in the school and while they where explaining everything that had just happened. She told us to get in the car, once we where all in the car and had driven a few minutes away from the school, she stop the car near a restaurant and told us to get out, she went and parked the car and came back.

She didn't look angry anymore she was actually laughing her head off. She couldn't form a word to say because she was almost falling on the floor with laughter.

Once we had sat down in the restaurant, I explained to her that I had enough of being little miss goody two shoes and I wanted to go big.
" you certainly went big alright you had ago at the head then declared to the school all the rumours where true" Luke couldn't help but smile. I knew he was happy that everyone though we had done all those things they thought of.

"Skye, I would be mad at you but it is just too funny what you did. But the school will punish you enough for what happened." Dani was still going on about how crazy it was when I got a text from Matty.

Wow you went so crazy they don't even care about what I did, oh and half the school have walked out, well done this must be a new record for the schools worst day-Matty

I interrupted Dani and told them the news. Luke was in shock but I guess that was also because he had never seen this side to me. I just had so much frustration trapped inside me I needed to do something.

We sat and ate lunch and saw about 50 kids from the school walk past the restaurant and we just laughed that people had actually listened to me and done what I said.

My phone buzzed and I saw it was a text from Luke. It was strange because he was sitting right next to me.

Damn girl, you went crazy, but you still looked hot. Everyone thinks we've done it now and we haven't. I never knew you could get so wild, it's because you are desperate for me and you keep shoving away that feeling. We can talk later, in private -Luke

I smiled at the message then kicked him under the table. I really didn't want that talk but it was inevitable we slept in the same bed.

During the car ride home he sat next to me and kept trying to put his hand on my leg, in the end I just let him, he can have a little teaser of me but he can't have all of me.

I was going to upload this sooner but I ended up in hospital, but its here now.
So I hope you liked it, Its a change in directions in the book.
Vote and comment I would love to know if you like it or if I should do stuff different

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