Sex Ed.

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My exclusion from school was finally over. I was being allowed back into school after the incident. Matty had told me that everyone has known about what happened since the day it all occurred.

I wasn't looking forward to doing actual work, but I was looking forward to see the girls again and catching up on all the drama I've missed.

I got ready for school and as I was about to leave Matty sent me a text.
Hey, don't leave yet I'm coming to get you. I need to update you on my current situation and what's going on with the girls. Also I have some bad news - Matty

Oh no I wasn't looking forward to her bad news, but then again how bad can it be. If it was the world's worst problem I'm sure she would have told me straight away.

Luke came running down the stairs in a hurry he avoided all eye contact with me then grabbed his bag and practically ran out the door. I guess he is in a hurry to get to school.

A few minutes go by then I hear a car honk its horn. I ran out the door and jumped into Mattys mums car. We drove in silence, I knew Matty never told her parents anything so talking to me would give her an insight to her life, which she wouldn't be to happy about.

She dropped us of a few roads away from school as Matty instructed, we said thanks and got out the car.

Matty then turned to me a shreaked with excitement.
"Omg me and Mick are back together I wanted to tell you in person, no body knows yet we are going to tell people but I had to tell you first!"

I didn't approve of Mick but he made her happy.

"Oh so is that the bad news then?"

Before answering she took a long while to say something. She just looked at her phone then looked up at the Sky.

I turned her to face me. She looked into my eyes.

"Urm well.. I didn't want to tell you but I couldn't just let you find out from the rumours."

She went silent.
"For God's sake Matty what is it"

She turn her head away then told me. " It's Luke. He's cheating on you."

I was shocked. I thought he liked me, we aren't together but people think we are and they still think I sleep with him, oh god. But then again I can't say anything because we haven't done anything and we aren't even a couple.

"Matty I'm not with him. He can do what he wants"
I laughed it off.
Matty didn't seem to believe me but she didn't ask any questions.
We walked the rest of the way to school in silence.

Once we were in school, people were staring, I could hear them whispering to their friends that Luke has cheated on me and that I was being an bitch who didn't deserve to be with someone like him.
I just ignored the comments and kept walking. I wasn't jealous, he could do what he wants, I'm the one who has been rejecting him, I knew he wouldn't wait forever it was only a matter of time before it happened.

I made my way to the English lesson early. The teacher wasn't inside but I couldn't be bothered to wait outside the classroom, so I sat in my chair and went on my phone cheaking and deleting emails to pass the time.

I was shocked when I heard the teacher talk, I didn't hear anyone enter.
"Well Miss Young, it's nice to have you back. You've got all the teacher on the edge. We had a tough time convincing them to not kick you out."

I didn't really know how to respond to what he said, so I just shrugged my shoulders. He slowly walked over to me and took a seat on the opposite side of the table, he looked at me with confusion.
" Now Skye I'm having a tough time wondering what's gotten into you. You have never been like this, you got on with your work. You where a good girl. Standing on tables, telling everyone your personal business, that's just not you."

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