2. School

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It's the first day of school.

I'm dressed in black lululemon leggings, a baggy green t-shirt that matches my eyes, with my white vans. I straightened my hair, put on light makeup, and sprayed on some perfume that used to be my moms (and of course deodorant). I grabbed my phone, headphones and bag, and drove to school.


I hopped out of my car and started walking towards the school.
It's the first day of school in senior year of high school. Better enjoy it. Just kidding, that's impossible in my life. A reason why: those 6 you-know-who's.

Speak of the Devil's.

Here comes the cone heads (note the sarcasm). "Hey fatty. Nice faggot look you've got going there. Oh wait, that's your everyday look!" Jay insulted me.

"Wow you noticed! Thanks. Your look is pretty good too. Main asshole, with a side of player, and a pinch of dick." I commented back with sarcasm in my voice.

"I would shut your face and not talk because every time you open your mouth, everybody feels like hiding under a rock and plugging their ears, because your voice sounds like a dying pig. Like look at yourself. You are one. So do us all a favour and shut the hell up" Nancy said with an evil grin plastered across her face.

"Haha. Make me."

Then I felt a sting of pain across my face, and then a fist to my stomach. Fuck, that one hurt. But it could have been way worse.

I bet those ones were Noah's. His slaps and punches hurt like hell. The 6 amigos all laughed and walked away with me standing there at the front of the school lawn, holding my gut in pain. But, I'll get over it. I'm used to it now.

After the encounter with the terrible 6, I walked to my new locker, put my stuff in it, and got to homeroom. After homeroom I had Social Studies aka boringly boringest class ever. And with the worst teacher. I got my things for Social and headed to class.

I tried staying awake, but it was impossible.

Before I knew it, I was asleep.

"BRRRRIIINNNGGGG" I woke to the sound of the bell. Class is over. Next class.

That's how my whole day went.
Finally it was over, and I walked to my car, hopped in, and drove home.

Of course, I got hungry while driving home, even if it's only like 5 minutes.
So, I stopped off at Starbucks to get a coffee and a cookie, because again, I was falling asleep.

I order my drink and chocolate chip cookie, waited, and finally got it, added what I wanted in my coffee, and went to find a table.

I finished my cookie and started to get up to leave with my drink still half full, when I turned around and bumped into someone and my drink went all over them and myself.

"Dammit I'm fucking sorry. I didn't see you there and urg. I'm sorry. Here I'll help you," the person said to me.

I looked up, and saw heaven.

Just kidding. It was the person I pumped into. He had dark brown, almost black hair that was curly under a grey beanie, chocolate coloured eyes, and muscles that were huge and looked like they were gonna bust out of his t-shirt. Also, his jawline was on point!
He wore blue jeans, a black t-shirt, his grey beanie, and vans. My weakness when I look at a guy. He was smoking hot!

"No no it's my fault. You didn't do anything," I said to him while we both started cleaning up the floor and ourselves.

"Okay. But still, you were right there and I should've seen you," he replied back.

"No really, it's fine."

"Okay. Hey, um my names Blake."

"Oh hi Blake. My names Karli."

"Okay Karli. I have to go. But it was nice to kinda meet you."

I nodded and waved to him while he walked away and waved back.


Blake in my head is like super hot lol. Almost like a mix of Ashton Irwin from 5sos and Nash Grier I don't know why haha.

But there's the 2nd chapter.

Get ready for the next lol.
Thanks for reading though💕

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