Chapter One: Who Could That Be at This Hour?

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(e/c): Eye color
(f/c): Favorite color


You covered your mouth as you yawned loudly, wrapping the warm blanket around you. You grabbed the remote to turn your television off, and shuffled into the kitchen. Deciding it would be a good idea to warm up some milk before bed, you opened up the fridge and pulled out the gallon of milk, but nearly dropped it once a loud pounding rang through the house.

"What the hell..." you muttered, placing the milk on the counter and walking to the door. You look through the peephole, but all you see is a large cardboard box. You unlock the door, and look down, your (e/c) eyes widening once you saw what had knocked on the door.

A small, angry, and rather adorable brunette in a pink dress sat inside the door, surrounded by eight more little children. "Hey-a ragazza, mind letting us-a in?" the little brunette asked, huffing slightly. You stammered slightly, trying to comprehend what was going on at the moment. 

"I- W-well... Sure." you stuttered, pulling the box in the house.

You knew that the nine children in the box were the chibi versions of characters from Hetalia. 

But how the heck they were currently in your house was beyond you. You decided to play it off like you didn't know them though, and lifted them out of the box one by one. 

"So, why don't you guys go ahead and tell me your names?" you asked once they were all out and sitting in the floor. "Let's start with you." you smiled, pointing at the brunette who first talked to you.

His brunette hair shifted slightly as he looked up at you, his side curl moving as well. "I'm-a Lovino Vargas." he muttered, crossing his little arms. 

"And you?" you asked, moving to the next one who looked similar

There were some differences though. This one had lighter brunette hair, and their curl was on the other side. And, unlike Lovino's hazel eyes, this one's eyes were closed. They wore a green dress with a small apron, and seemed more feminine too. "My-a name's Feliciano-a Vargas." he smiled, though, if you didn't know any better, you would've guessed he was a girl. 

"So Lovino's your brother?" you smiled, as the two of them nodded. "Cute. How about you?" you moved on to the next one.

This one was a blonde with bright blue eyes, and a cute little black hat atop his head. He wore a black outfit and cape too, and had a shy expression on his face. "L-Ludwig..." he mumbled, and you giggled at his nervousness. ((A/N: Yes I am going with the theory that Germany and HRE are the same person or whatever! It's my story so yeah...))

The next one had raven black hair and dull brown eyes. He wore a white and blue kimono and sat cross legged in the center of the circle. "Honda Kiku." he answered, his voice very monotone. ((A/N: I'm sorry but I don't know how to describe Japan's clothes... Sorry if there's a mistake. Also, I had Japan introduce himself with his name in the eastern order, since it fit more.))

Next was a cute little blonde with a small cowlick sticking up. He had sky blue eyes and wore white clothing, with a little red string around the collar of the outfit to tie it together. "Alfred F. Jones." he smiled, spreading his arms apart. You giggle and ruffled his hair, the looked over at the next one.

He had wavy blonde hair and a little curl sticking out front, with violet eyes. He also wore a similar outfit to Alfred, and held a small white bear cub in his arms. "M-Matthew Williams..." he answered, looking down at the floor shyly.

The next one had similar hair to Matthew, but no curl and indigo eyes. He was one of the tallest out of all nine, and wore a cute blue outfit topped off with a hat. "Francis Bonnefoy." he grinned, bowing and kissing the back of your palm. 'What a flirt, even as a kid' you thought, smiling.

The next one cleared his throat, and pushed Francis out of the way. He had messy blonde hair, bushy eyebrows and emerald green eyes. He wore a little robe over his clothing, but you swore for a split second you saw a little mint green blur on his shoulder. "Arthur Kirkland, at your service, m'lady." he smiled, bowing slightly, while you chuckled at his 'gentlemanly' act.

Last but not least, was a small, platinum blonde. He had bright violet eyes and wore a light pink scarf and a small, slightly dirty, beige coat too. "Ivan Branginski." he answered quietly, then looked away.

"Nice to meet you all, my name is (Name) (Last Name). You can stay with me until we figure something out." you smiled, shrugging your blanket off. "Now, are you all ready to sleep?" you asked, giggling as they all nodded.

You stood up to guide them to the guest rooms, when you felt a tug on your pant leg. You looked down to see Feliciano look up at you. "Can you-a make some-a food first?" he asked, and you could even hear his stomach growl.

"Sure!" you grinned, though your face paled slightly when you realized if you made food for one, you'd have to make food for all of them.


Ragazza: Girl

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