Chapter Four: Snow Ball Fight!

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You tossed the snowball in the direction of the two Italian's, laughing when Lovino's eye's widen as the ball sails a bit to closely to his head.

He ducked behind the bush, pulling Feliciano down with him. You grin as you turn to see Alfred panic and hide behind Matthew, while he makes some snowballs.

"Alfred! How dare you use Matthew as a human shield-" Arthur began, but was cut off as a big snowball hit him in the face.

"Who threw that!?" Arthur demanded, as everyone else, including you began to laugh. An all too familiar french laugh was the loudest, as you turned to see Francis on the ground, laughing. He raised his hand as he continued laughing, while Arthur simply glared at him.

The little Brit stormed off to sit on the porch, while our fight continued.

Lovino jumped up above the bush and nailed Matthew in the face with a snowball, since Alfred was still using the poor Canadian as a shield.

"Sorry, Matthew, you're out." you sighed, pointing to the porch where Arthur was still sitting, his arms crossed.

Matthew sighed, but a small smile was on his face as he rushed over to sit with Arthur. "No! My shield!" Alfred yelled, while he dodged a ball from Lovino.

The American yelped as he ran for cover behind an old tree.

"Wait, where's Kiku?" you asked out, dodging a weakly thrown snowball from Feliciano.

Then, as if on cue, the raven haired boy came out from behind the house. He had made a catapult of sorts out of sticks and spare metals he had found on the floor.

"Oh great..." you mumbled, running behind your car for cover.

As you gathered some snow, you turned and were hocked to see Ludwig sitting there, about a dozen snowballs in his hand.

"You're playing too, Ludwig?" you asked quietly, while he just nodded.

"I vas planning on helping her... but Lovino grabbed her before I could help..." he muttered, glancing over at the bush where the two Italian's were.

'Who's her...?' you wondered, before it hit you, 'Aww, he wants to help Feli, how adorable.'

You smiled as you looked down at him, "Well, I'll help you out."

"Okay." he nodded, as you peeked above the car. The moment you look, you see Kiku loading his catapult and launching it, watching as the snow pelted both Italian's, even if they were behind the bush.

"What?!" Lovino yelled, clearly outraged, while you merely laughed at his snow caked head.

The two shuffled over to the porch, while the rest of you continued the game. Then, you heard a childish laugh behind you as you looked up.

You saw Alfred had climbed up the tree, and was looking down at you and Ludwig. "I'll get you now, (Name)!" he laughed, preparing to throw the snowball.

You ducked, and gasped when Ludwig jumped in front of you, taking the hit from the snowball.

"Ludwig!" you gasped, while he just smiled. "Go on and fight... vithout me..." he mumbled, while you giggled a bit at the cheesiness of what he had said.

You peeked over the car once more and saw Francis sprinting across the lawn to get behind the bush where the Italian brothers had previously been.

You scrunched your eyebrows in concentration, and aimed, then threw the ball. You clapped a hand over your mouth when it hit him in the back, making him face plant on the snow.

You ran out of the way as Alfred tried to throw another snowball at you, and walked up to Francis. "Francis... Are you okay?" you asked, poking his shoulder.

He lifted up his head and gave you a grin, "Oui, mademoiselle. I am fine." he stood up and shook the snow off himself, before walking over to the porch.

'So this leaves me, Ivan, Alfred, and Kiku...' you thought, 'Speaking of the Russian, where is he...?' Though your thoughts were cut off when you jumped over to the bush, narrowly avoiding Kiku's attack as he launched a snowball at you with the catapult.

You peered around the bush, chuckling when you noticed Alfred climbing down from his spot on the tree.

Once he got back on the ground, he ducked, avoiding another shot from Kiku's machine. He did a bunch of other over-exagerated moves to dodge the attacks, until he was in front of the bush.

You simply gathered some snow, and placed it upon his head, giggling as he jumped up.

"Gotcha." you smiled, as he pouted and went to the porch.

You then quietly watched as Kiku pushed his catapult to the center of the yard, looking around for someone to get out.

That's when he was hit with a snowball... from out of no where. You scrunch your eyebrows slightly, having the same confused look as Kiku.

You turn to see an 'oh so' innocent looking Ivan peek out from behind the house, the kitten Mewla perched upon his head. In his hands was a dozen or so snowballs.

"Miss (Name)... Where are you?" he asked out. You grinned and jumped up from behind the bush, quickly throwing a snowball at him without even aiming. He threw one at you at the same time, and time seemed to slow down.

His snowball hit you in the stomach, causing you to stumble back slightly.

Your snowball missed his head by mere millimeters.

"I win, da?" he smiled, dropping the snow and taking Mewla off of his head. He calmly walked past everyone and inside, while most of the other children who were sitting on the porch were staring wide eyed.

"Well then, now that that's settled who's up for hot chocolate?" you offered, chuckling a bit as they all raised their hands.



Oui, Mademoiselle: Yes, miss(French)
Da: Yes(Russian)

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