Chapter Five: Wanna Play Some Hide and Seek?

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A little while later you had made hot chocolate and gave it to everybody. Though, some people had certain request for their drinks too.

Feliciano had asked for extra sugar, while Lovino asked for some chocolate syrup to go with his. Matthew asked for some maple syrup atop of his and Alfred wanted some chocolate chip cookies. Arthur had asked for whipped cream in his, and Francis wanted some marshmallows. Ivan had asked if you could let his cool down a tad before giving it to him, and Kiku asked for a sprinkle of peppermint. Finally, Ludwig had asked for a dash of cinnamon to top his off.

You sat with your own cup of (Hot chocolate, coffee, whatever you want) and sipped it as you pulled out a newspaper and read through it.

{Meanwhile in Another Room}

Alfred grinned as he drank the rest of his hot chocolate and shoved a cookie in his mouth. "Otay guys! Whach are we goinsh choo do now witsh Misch (Name)?" he asked, while everyone else who sat around him looked at the little American weirdly. 

"Alfred what on earth are you saying? We can't understand what you're saying with all that food in your mouth." Arthur sighed, sipping from his cup.

Alfred swallowed all the food and let out a small burp, which Arthur cringed at, turning away. "Dudes, I said 'Okay guys! What are we going to do now with Miss (Name)?' " Alfred explained as though it were completely obvious. 

"Alfred, w-what do you m-mean?" Matthew asked tilting his head.

"I mean, what game are we playing next? We had that awesome snowball fight earlier! I mean, Kiku totally cheated and Ivan was waaaay too OP but still!" Alfred explained, throwing his hands up in the air. 

"Alfred-san I am rather sure I did not 'cheat' as you put it." Kiku said politely as he turned to the American on the couch.

"And what is the word 'OP' meaning, Alfred?" Ivan asked. 

"Don't ask, Ivan, it's some of his dumb American lingo." Arthur replied, shaking his head slightly. "And, Alfred, have you not remembered what our original plan was?" Arthur asked.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmm-" Alfred began, but Arthur interrupted him. 

"I'm taking that as a no then?" Arthur sighed, while Alfred quickly shook his head.

"We turned into little children versions of ourselves because of a misfire of one of my spells, right? Lovino and Feliciano are currently at the age before they were unified, I'm myself when I was a very young empire, Francis is himself from the early eight hundreds, Kiku is from when China, or Yao, first found him, Ivan is from hundreds of years ago, I'm not sure what time exactly, Alfred and Matthew are both when they were young colonies, and somehow... Ludwig is the Holy Roman Empire... I won't question it... His personalities changed a bit, but whatever." Arthur said, while everyone else in the room slowly nodded.

 "And how we ended up on this nice lady's door, I don't know nor remember. But, we planned to find a way to turn ourselves back, correct?" he continued.

"But Artie!" Alfred whined, "I don't wanna change back! Being a kid again is soooo fun!" 

"At least your childish personality fits now." Arthur retorted.

Before Alfred realized what he meant by that, Matthew butted into the conversation. "Alfred, Arthur is right. I think we might be stretching out Miss (Name)'s kindness a bit too much." he said, looking down at his hands. 

"See?" Arthur replied, "This is exactly what I mean."

"Oh, come on, Angleterre. Zhe girl seems nice. She seems 'appy to be our 'ost." Francis smiled. 

"Shhhh!" Arthur exclaimed, turning towards the Frenchmen, "Be careful with the country names and nicknames. We can't let her know we're countries!"

Arthur pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine, fine, fine! All those in favor of staying a little while longer I do research, raise your hand." Arthur said, while Alfred, Francis, Feliciano, Lovino, and Ludwig raised their hands. 

"And all those in favor of me doing research now and leaving sooner, raise your hand." he continued, while he, Matthew, Kiku, and Ivan raised their hands.

"Well, since the latter had less people, it seems we'll be staying longer." Arthur sighed, while Alfred silently cheered in the background. 

"You lot go find something productive to do, I'm going through some of Miss (Name)'s books to see if I can discover anything useful." Arthur sighed, shuffling out of the room.

Alfred grin as he grabbed a blanket from the couch and stood up so he towered over everyone else who was sitting. 

"Okay dudes! Since I'm obviously the leader right now, I know what we're going to play!" he grinned, waving his arms and giving a grin. 

"What-a?" Feliciano asked.

"Hide and Seek!" he grinned.

{Back to You}

You looked up, confused when you heard cheering from the other room, but shrugged it off when you remembered you currently had nine little children in your home with you. 

Suddenly, you jumped a bit when someone wrapped a cloth around your head, covering your eyes.

"What the-..." you began, but stopped when you heard familiar laughter. 

"Alfie what are you doing?" you asked, trying to feel around to see if you could find the kid. 

"We're playing a game! Hide and Seek! You'll count to..." he paused thinking of a number, "... Forty! Come look for us when you're done!" he grinned, and you heard the sound of quick footsteps as he ran off. 

"Oh, and Artie's not playing!" he yelled from wherever he was in your house.



Angleterre: England(French)

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