Chapter 3

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Looking at Scott strangely, one of the henchmen walks towards me and undo's the chains holding me down into the seat and moves away for me to stand up, doing the same to Scott he quickly runs over and Kira steps away from the man holding her. Letting Scott get his jacket Araya walks everyone outside, Stiles, Lydia, Kira, Malia and I all stand against the jeep while Scott and Araya speak walking towards us.

The conversation looks serious as Araya frowns towards Scott, then turns around leading her henchmen away from Scott and Stiles walks towards him while he starts walking back to us.

"So what now?" Stiles asks his best friend.

"She thinks she knows where we can find Derek" Scott tells Stiles but also addressing us girls behind the two boys.

"Did she tell us where?" I ask confused crossing my arms.

"No, but she is giving us a guide" Scott says and we all look at him confused, straight away a girl with a black motorbike drives in our direction and she stops in front of us all, taking off her helmet showing everyone her face.

Stiles frowns and points to the girl looking at Scott "You know her?" he questions his best friend.

"Braeden" Scott states.

"Who's Braeden?" Malia asks out loud.

"She a mercenary" Lydia states looking at the girl on the bike.

"Right now I'm the only one who's going to take you to la Iglesias" Braeden states as her eyes wonder around us teenagers, Scott's pack and me a newbie.

I raise my eyebrow "Spanish? You mean the church?" I ask the girl and she nods, everyone looks at me surprised I knew what it meant "I had to learn a few different languages, constant moving around as a child remember" I state and they all nod remembering.

"What's the church?" Stiles asks curiously.

Braeden looks over to Stiles "It's not a place you'll find god" She states.

Eagle flies into the air as everyone quickly piles into the small jeep, well it felt small to me since I was wedged in between Lydia and Malia, Kira pressed up against the window next to Malia, us four girls had to sit in the back, lucky for me I'm smaller so it wasn't affecting the others so much, Stiles and Scott had the whole front to themselves so they shouldn't complain. Watching Braeden drive her motorbike on the sand road in front of us, she was guiding us to the Spanish church.

Looking out the window all I could see was sand, bushes, dead trees, bushes, sand, sand, bushes, and guess what more sand, lucky no one was playing I spy with my little eye, the game would surely get boring quickly.

Suddenly Malia leans forward to the open space next to Stiles and Scott, crossing her arms and resting on them "Alright I will ask, who's Kate Argent?" Malia asks with a small tone.

Kira raises her hand "Uh I would like to know too" Kira states.

I lean forward slightly "Yeah, who's this crazy woman stealing your friend and taking them to a church?" I ask narrowing my eyes at the alpha in the jeep.

"We were at her funeral, so I would like to know how she got out of the casket that was buried six feet underground" Stiles states to us, glancing up to the rear view mirror looking at the three of us questioning the older members of the pack.

"She was never in it" Scott says simply.

We all look to him slightly surprised.

"She was Allison's aunt, and a total sociopath" Lydia states for the two boys, her voice was sad after she said the name Allison.

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