Chapter 8

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The boys were now all in a line, and they each had to throw a ball into the nets getting a point, Stiles was up first, he had this look on his face like he was trying way to hard. I cross my legs as my long black skirt moved slightly with the breeze, my short purple hair moved as well, I pushed my fringe out of my face. He shoots, his aim was good, it was so good it landed in the goalkeepers lacrosse stick without him moving it. I giggle as the aim was good just for the wrong thing. A couple of the other boys at try outs were chuckling at his failure. Now it was the fit kids turn as he picks up the ball in his stick. I watch him closely, he has good form, he has a cocky smirk, as if he knows this will go in no problem.

"This kid is really good isn't he?" I state to the girls.

"Well don't hold your breath, he could just be good in goals nothing else" Kira says picking at her fingers.

"Negative Nancy much?" I state.

Malia leans forward to look at me "What's Negative Nancy? Is that a lacrosse term?" She asks me and I shake my head at her grinning.

I wave my hand "It's a saying don't worry" I watch the boy again and easily he gets the ball into the goals and the Coach cheers "God I love this kid" I state watching him in awe, I was so impressed by him. Next was Scott, he looked so determined to get this right. As the ball goes I notice the wind catch it and it hits the side of the net, the metal making a loud sound. Time after time the kid got the balls into the net, but every time Scott and Stiles would miss.

This was becoming annoying cause the young kids friend Garret, who I know from my English Class is making smartass comments about Stiles and Scott.

"Isn't the captain supposed to be one of the best players on the team?" Kira asks Malia and I "Or good?"

"He might be just having an off day, we all have those days" I state.

Right then the Coach huddles them all in and instructs Scott and Stiles to get the long sticks to help cover the goal, two and one, which meant they were going to get close to the kid. First Garret goes, Stiles misses him but Scott jumps up and then hits Garrets stick to the floor causing Garret to fall as well, meaning they won.

Coach cheers "That's my boys"

"Yes" Kira says smiling brightly.

"Those two are like sons to me" Coach explains to his younger new players.

After about three people trying to take Scott and Stiles on, who all lose, a few shouts from Coach expressing how proud he was of the boys, Scott and Stiles doing head bumps and then a body bump causing Stiles to frail to the ground from the strength of the werewolf, it was finally the kids turn. As the kid runs forward its like he knew their moves before they happened, because he dodged both Stiles and Scott with such ease then spun himself around and threw the ball, and it landed into the goals flying past the keepers head.

Everyone cheers, Kira and I groan In annoyance and Malia frowns deeply, the kid runs past Stiles and Scott smirking and they look at him in awe, not being able to believe he got pass them so easily. Malia suddenly stands up and I watch her with widen eyes.

"That was luck" Malia shouts at the coach.

"Oh god Malia please no" I say groaning quietly.

"Do over!" Malia shouts at the Coach.

"Sweetheart there are no do overs, this is practice" Coach says to Malia smirking.

"Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles" Malia suggests as a statement and Coach smiles at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2016 ⏰

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