phone calls??? no thanks

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phone calls with my uncle are so awkward lmao okay so im in romania for the time being and my uncle always gets pissed whenever i don't answer my phone?? he's a huge warry wart so he probably thinks i died or smth..... anyways i answered my phone for once and it was so awkward holy shit there were SO many awkward silences this is why i hate phone calls,,... this shit always happens

not just with my uncle but also with my mom and dad and aunt... (ESPECIALLY WITH MY DAD LMAO)

i remember when school was in session my dad used to call me during class and we aren't allowed phones in our school and i kept texting him that i couldn't talk and he LEFT LIKE 6 VOICEMAILS DAD IM OKAY JUST LET ME LEARN FOR A SEC .....

my parents worry too much about me sigh,.. my mom doesn't call me that much but she freaks out when i don't answer her texts

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