Chapter Seventeen

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When I wake up he's still fast asleep and he's wrapped himself around me. Like I'd want to leave. 
"Lucas. It's time to get up." Or at least I'm hoping it is. I see his watch on the dresser on his side of the bed and reach over him to grab it.
"This is a great view to wake up to." What? Oh. My boobs are in his face. I give up and fling myself back down yanking the blanket up my body. I know I'm blushing. My face feels like it's on fire.
"I was trying to get your watch..."
"Well try again. Never give up on your pursuits."
"I'm okay. I don't need to know the time. I was just making sure I wasn't waking you up at like 5 in the morning because I haven't the slightest clue what time it is." He sighs and grabs his watch.
"It's 9. Definitely not 5."
"Good. Get up." I try to get out of bed but he's wrapped himself around me again. "Lucas! Get up. Seriously. Or let me go."
"Noooo. Just stay here with me." He's already half asleep again. This boy.
"Fine then I'll just pee on you." He still doesn't let go. "I'm serious."
"No you aren't. You know better." I hate when he's right.
"Lucas we can't go shopping if you're in bed asleep."
"Ugh. Fine. I'll get up. But you have to take a shower with me."
"Remember how that ended last time?"
"You mean with you running outside naked?"
"You won't do that this time."
"I dunno. I'm kinda in the streaking mood now." I say stretching my arms above me. This bed is really comfortable. I don't even really want to get up. "Are you still not wearing pants?"
"Yea?" He says suspiciously.
"Okay." I reach my hand under the blanket and feel for him.
"Zoey I swear if you hit me... Oh. Okay. Not exactly what I expected." I give him a hand job and sometime during that he forgets he's trying to keep me captive and let's go rolling onto his back. When he finishes I jump out of bed and run into the bathroom. "I knew I could get out of bed." I say smiling.
"You are going to be the death of me." He gets out of bed and tries to go into the bathroom. I shut the door and lock it instead. "Hey!"
"I have to pee. Go away." I yell through the door. When I'm done I turn on the shower waiting for it to heat up.
"You're taking a shower without me! There's not gonna be enough water!" Ugh. I unlock the door.
"There. You sissy."
"Excuse me?"
"You're afraid to take a shower with a little cold water."
"I am not. I just prefer not to. Like most people."
"Whatever." I step into the shower and wet my hair.
"I like how wavy your hair gets when it wet."
"I like how curly your hair is in general." I say ruffling his hair.
"It's not that curly." He smooths it down before taking the shampoo from me.
"Where's my comb?"
"Uhh. That's a good question." He looks out in the bathroom. "It's on the counter."
"How did it get there? I only use it in the shower."
"I may have used it."
"Ugh. Go get it!" When he brings it to me I set it on a shower shelf and rinse the shampoo out squeezing in conditioner.
"Why don't you shampoo your hair every time?"
"It dries my hair out. I use conditioner every time though. That's why it's so soft. You should give it a try."
"What are you saying?"
"That your hair sucks." I say laughing. He starts tickling me. "Not in here! I don't want to fall."
"Fine. I have better ideas anyway." He gets closer until I'm stuck between him and the shower wall. He leans down and kisses me.
"Turn the water temperature down some. Trust me it'll help." He turns it down and starts kissing me again. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him. "We seem to be having sex more and more frequently. Why?"
"Because you seem to be a lot more willing." Makes sense. When we finish I rinse the conditioner out of my hair and have Lucas comb it.
"I told you turning down the temp would help."
"Yea it did. And we need to get your nails cut a bit."
"Why?" I ask looking at them. I mean they're a little longer that usual. And need to be filed a bit.
"Look at my back. I'm sure it looks as bad as it feels." He has long red streaks on his back and a couple of the scratches broke skin.
"Oh. Ouch. I'm sorry. You're bleeding a little."
"I figured."
"I thought you liked it."
"During sex, yes. Afterwards, no." Okay then. Looks like I won't be doing that anymore. When he stops combing my hair I rinse it again making sure all the stuff is out of my hair. "Here." He hands me the bath sponge all lathered up with soap. I wash myself and hand it back to him before rinsing off. I twist most of the water out my hair before getting out, drying off, and twisting my hair in my towel above my head. I grab a bra and green sundress and put them on. I take the towel off and give my hair one more squeeze. Lucas comes out and puts on grey cargo shorts and a black tee.
"Want me to brush your hair?"
"Sure. My brush is on the dresser." I sit on the bed and he sits behind me brushing my hair. He kind of had to brush it when my arms weren't exactly of any use. He's really gently and I'm thankful I have someone that's willing to do stuff like this.
"Thanks. I need underwear. The only pairs left are either too dark and you can see them through my dress or are the ones you bought with no crotch."
"Well you know which ones I'm going to pick."
"Fine. I'll take a pair of yours."
"Okay." He says shrugging. He is so frustrating. Whatever. I take a pair of his briefs and pull them on. I'm always surprised when they fit. I go back in the bathroom and blow dry my hair straight. I decide to put on a little mascara and eyeliner too. "Why don't you do laundry?"
"Because that's your job. You're Lucas the almighty. Besides, I hate doing laundry. And washing dishes. That's why you do those things."
"What have I gotten myself into."
"A relationship."
"Oh so we have a relationship now?"
"Of sorts. If someone asked I'd call you my fiancé. But personally I don't really know what you are."
"That hurts a little. I don't even get a title?"
"How about, 'the guy I live with that I sort of love and fuck casually'? Does that work?"
"We aren't friends with benefits."
"Friends with benefits don't love each other. I'm like the sexy mistress. Only you don't have a wife."
"Ooh. Who's the unlucky gal?"
"You're moody and slightly vicious. Yes, unlucky."
"But I'm loving and really nice sometimes. I let you have whatever you want. And I'm attentive."
"And a bit whiny. You sound like a gay guy right now talking to his boyfriend."
"Well then there you have it. I'm your gay boyfriend and you're mine."
"Okay." I say laughing.
"See. I can even make you laugh."
"Let's just go. We have a lot to do."
"What about food?"
"Grab a pop tart. Let's gooooo."
"We don't have any left." He says pouting.
"Then stop at McDonald's or something!" He is a child. He really is.
"Their food is horrible."
"I am seriously two seconds away from tying you up and dragging you out."
"Being tied up doesn't sound too bad." Always something sexual with this one.
"Ugh. You kill me." I will be gray by the time I'm 25 with him. Now that I think about it I'm kinda hungry too. "How about Starbucks? They have food and coffee."
"They're always really busy."
"Take it or leave it."
"Well what are you waiting for. Let's go." He walks out of the door and gets in the car.
"Don't you need to lock the house?"
"I'll do it with my phone. Automated thing."
"Oh. That's cool." We drive to the nearest Starbucks and wait in the drive through for 15 minutes before it's our turn.
"Hi how can I help you?"
"We'll take the egg, sausage, and cheese on an English muffin, a huge blueberry muffin, a medium black coffee, and a salted caramel frappé. What do you want Zoey?"
"Ha. Ha. That'll be all. Thanks."
"What name?"
"Wolf." When we get our food and drinks I take my muffin out and start eating. "Do you want a bite?"
"Sure." I reach over and he takes a bite. "Is there cinnamon and sugar on top?" He asks with a full mouth.
"Eww. Yes. You need to learn to swallow."
"Well I know you know how to."
"You disgust me." I finish my muffin and start sipping on my frappé. It's not as good as this other café I used to go to. Or as good as the iced coffees at Dunkin Doughnuts. "Where to now?"
"I was thinking Walmart or Target." He says.
"Okay." We get to Target first. "Let's get clothes here."
"For the girls?"
"Duh." I say. We go to women's section and I pick out 7 different summer dresses. Dresses are easy. I also find 7 pairs of matching sandals. What doesn't fit we'll bring back.
"We need underwear too." We find the right isle and buy panties for all of them. We check out and Lucas doesn't seem to be too happy about the cost. "Time for food!" I say hoping to cheer him up. We drive to Walmart and buy chips and cookies and soda and juice. He gets a case of water too.
"This is kinda junky stuff."
"I know. We can buy real food along the way."
"Okie dokie." We check out and take everything to the car. "I'm surprised it all fits."
"I am too to be honest." He laughs. We drive home and he takes all the food into the big house. I take all the clothes into the guest house. I wait for Lucas and then go down into the basement with him.
"Hey girls. I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner to feed you and stuff." I say.
"It's okay. Lucas has been doing it." Amanda says.
"What?" I say looking at Lucas.
"I didn't want them to starve. They got food and I left."
"It's true. He hasn't hit us. Well I mean none but Ashley."
"Well if I understood correctly she killed Luca. And that's not okay."
"Anyway. I'm taking all of you away from here. You're going to be free. Here are clothes and shoes. Pick what you want. Then one at a time you will be escorted to a shower."
"Is he serious?" Aria asks.
"Yea. I told him he had to."
"'re staying here aren't you?"
"Yea...I have to. Don't fight me Ari. Please. Just please go and be happy and free. Things aren't that bad for me anyway." I hand over the bags and let the girls pick their items. Then one at a time Lucas takes a girl upstairs to shower. Each one comes back clean and pretty happy looking. When all the girls are back down Lucas excuses himself for a moment and comes back with a black case.
"I hate to do this but none of you will be conscious for this trip. Zoey included." None of us say anything. I hope he's kidding about drugging me. "I'm packing the car now. Zoey come help." Ugh. Why do I get the feeling I'm in trouble. We walk upstairs and he locks the basement. "You don't get to talk to me like an equal around them. Now you get to be drugged like the rest of them. You've lost your freedom. Now go pack a bag for yourself and I." When I don't move he lifts a hand. "Zoey I swear to god I'm not in the mood for you to be a bitch. Go." I still don't move. I don't know why. It's almost like I can't. I don't know what has changed so drastically. I thought we were okay. He slaps me. And then kicks me before walking away. At least that's all. It's usually worse than that. After he's gone I walk outside and to the main house. I walk to our bedroom and pack a few dresses for me and some underwear and a few pairs of shorts, t-shirts, and underwear for him. I shove my brush, both of our tooth brushes, and toothpaste in the bag too hoping I won't really need anything else. I zip up the bag and set it outside the door before laying on the bed. I fall asleep.

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