the most beautiful words

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• mudita (sanskrit) - pure joy unadulterated by self interest

• komorebi (japanese) - sunlight filtering through the leaves of a tree

• tsundoku (japanese) - to pile unread books up in a room

• voorpret (dutch) - the sense of enjoyment one feels before an event takes place

• fernweh (german) - a craving for travel; being homesick for places you've never been

• meraki (greek) - to do something with soul, creativity, or love; to put "something of yourself" into what you're doing

• lagom (swedish) - just the right amount

• ubuntu (nguni - southern africa) -human kindness

• goya (urdu - pakistan) - a story that feels like reality

• mångata (swedish) - the road-like reflection of the moon on water

• shemomedjamo (georgian) - to eat past the point of fullness because the food is so delicious

• ineffable (english) - to great or extreme to be describe in words

• mellifluous (english) - sweet or musical; pleasant to hear

• serendipity (english) - a pleasant surprise

• petrichor (english) - the pleasant smell after the rain

• iridescent (english) - showing luminous colors that seem to change when shown from different angles

• luminescence (english) - light that has been created

• solitude (english) - the state of being alone

• aurora (english) - the dawn (also a disney princess☺)

• vellichor (english) - the strange wistfulness of used bookstores

i love all these words so much and idek why but yeah here ya go

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