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12:00 am

why did i wait up for you?
we all know the saying
"nothing good ever happens after midnight"
it couldn't have been because you were in love with me as i was with you
it was impossible
yet it wasn't even love
it was an infatuation so deep that i had blinded myself
blinded myself into believing that the so-called "feelings" that you possessed for me were true

4:23 am

i threw coffee mugs and it didn't wake anyone
i tossed a blanket from my bed and my mother rushed in to ask what had happened
- priorities -
i was once your priority
that's what you had me believing, anyways
you played your games and i just dealt with the consequences for i cared not that you were just damaging me more than i already was

6:37 am

the sun rose
i realized that you were no longer what i wished to waste my time on
i wiped my tears

i could breathe again

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