"i wish i had the courage..."

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i wish i had the courage to say exactly what im thinking because sometimes i have a thought that goes along perfectly with the conversation but won't say anything because im afraid of sounding stupid or having someone laugh at me i need to learn to stop caring. i wish i had the courage to walk right up to that boy and tell him that i like him because who cares if my feelings aren't reciprocated? it's not the end of the world. things would be so much easier. i wish i had the courage to tell my friends when they're being assholes because they never get told and they're never going to stop and they drive me to the point of insanity. i wish i had the courage to see a cute boy out in public and walk right up and ask for his number but i never will because im terrified and nothing sucks more than seeing what you want but not going after it because you're absolutely petrified of what could happen

i wish i had the courage

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