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England rubbed his temples in annoyance. The meeting was going late and he had better plans than to be stuck in a stuffy board room listening to France badgering America about his diet.

"Mon dieu~ America. You need to stop cramming your face full of junk food. It does nothing for your figure."

"This is junk food! See, it's got your veggies, your protein, and your grains! A well-balanced meal." America smiles triumphantly and Frances sighs, exasperated.

"Angleterre, please help me get this idiot to understand that hamburgers aren't healthy."

England looked up at him with a scowl on his face. "I'm not helping you with anything, frog. I'd rather you two shut up so we can get on with. I have places to be."

"Dude, I don't think sitting alone drink tea counts as important." America jokes.

"That's not what I'm doing you git. I'm...having someone over."

"My my. The black sheep of Europe actually has a date?"

"It's not- It's well- you-" England tries his best to sputter out an explanation. But his blush keeps growing, and France's grin keeps widening.

"Ew! Old people love." America makes a face of disgust and France just shakes his head at the both of them.

"I'm not old!"

"We get it. Now can we please get on with it." China finally decides to break his silence to stop the arguing, but it was fruitless for a motley crew like them.

After an hour or so of more random arguments, the meeting was over. England hurried home to prepare for Japan. He wanted to make everything perfect for today since he was finally going to confess to the man. He had written up a script so he would do something rash then do an awkward tsundere apology and try to act like nothing happened. He spent the next three hours cleaning the entire house and giving himself a bath, making sure to use his vanilla scented shampoo. Japan had said that he loved the smell once before during his last visit. England smiles fondly to himself at the memory

Japan had tripped on his yukata while walking down the stairs and landed on England. England's heart felt like it would explode and he couldn't bear to make eye-contact. He couldn't free himself, so he just did his usual schtick of making the situation more awkward.

"Ah-sorry are you okay. I-uh I'm sorry if I smell or anything. I was in the garden today and I uh-"

Japan managed to get off of the world's most embarrassing man, and tried to calm the poor man's nerves by saying, "It's alright. It was an accident, and you do not smell bad, in fact, Your hair smells nice" Japan became a bit concerned, as his attempt to calm him only made England into more of a blushing flailing mess that he already was, and to be honest, it was kind of adorable.

England returned back to reality as he checked himself out in the mirror." I hope this doesn't come off as over the top" he said as he stared at himself in the mirror admiring his attire: a blue cardigan over a white dress shirt and slacks. He sighed and his heart skipped a beat as he heard the doorbell ring. He rushed down the stairs almost tripping on a rug in the process. He opened the door revealing Japan, who was wearing a plain blue yukata. "Hello England-san" England was so lost Japan's chocolate brown eyes that he didn't hear him "England-san?"

"Ah-Yes Japan. Hello. sorry just spacing out." He tried his best to hide his all too obvious blush and escorted Japan inside.

"Here Japan please, sit down." He says as he gestures to the cream colored couch.

"Make yourself at home"

"Arigatou gozaimasu." England took out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket. He took a deep breath and exhaled, drawing the attention of his companion.

"Japan" "I-I have something to tell you"

His face began to burn a scarlet red, but his conviction didn't waver, for once.

"Go ahead England-san. Don't be embarrassed, I'll listen"

"Japan" "I-

Author's note- Well hello again. It's been three years since I wrote this. I was a sophomore in high school, now a freshman in college. It amazes me that there are people still reading this pile of cringe. I decided to go back and edit this piece because I was sick of people liking this, you people deserve a much better story. Hopefully, I am making up for the past three years. Enjoy!

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