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"I like you, b-but not in a weird way or anything. I just think you're cute and a- no, wait, forget I said anything" England's face burned from the embarrassment as he tried to keep away for Japan's gaze. His brown eyes were like mirrors, reflecting his shame back on him. "England-san?"

"Ye-yes?" he said as he tried to retreat into his own shirt.

"I -um like you too" He gave a warm smile and England perked up while tears threatened to form in his eyes. "R-really?"

"I thought you would hate me after I confessed." He smiled sheepishly and moved closer towards him.

"No of course not I could never hate you!" It was now Japan's turn to be embarrassed. The two sat there for a moment, basking in the silence left in the wake of their confessions.

Eventually, after a few moments that felt like forever England mustered up the courage to move closer to Japan until they were a breath's width apart.

"England-san what are yo-" Japan was silenced by lips pressing into his.

England's lips had a coarseness to them like they were worn from words once spoken. He liked the feeling, it was like being nuzzled in a knitted blanket, somewhat rough, but still warm and inviting. The sweet taste of tea and something indescribably England flooded his senses. He closed his eyes and deepened the kiss.

He placed a timid hand on the back of England's neck to steady himself. England backed away and smiled a breathtaking smile. "I'm sorry love, I just got carried away" He blushed and looked down, awaiting rejection. "It's okay England-san."I don't mind", and with that England grabbed him into his arms and whispered into his ear "I love you Kiku, will you be mine?" Japan trembled, whether it was from the sudden use of his human name or the fact that his crush just said 'I love you', either way, his body got warmer and his face tinted a dark shade of pink, he said, barely audibly, "I love you too Arthur-san." After hearing his confession England was immediately filled with a crazed, but loving lust for him.

He pushed Japan down gingerly and loomed over him. Japan's voice got caught in his throat, and he tried to look everywhere except for England's face. England pushed a strand from his face and tucked it behind his ear. He leaned down and whispered into it.

"You look so hot like this. Tell me what you want me to do." Japan gulped and pressed his hand to England's chest. "Not now. I really like you, but I'm not ready right now."

England sits up and pulls Japan up with him. He wrapped his left arm around the smaller man who leaned into the embrace. He turned back to him, and his gaze was a strong, burning fire. "Don't worry. I'll go at whatever pace you set." He turned his attention to the TV and set up a movie. The ended up falling asleep just like that, comfortable in each other's company, which was all they needed. For the time at least. 

Author's note- This chapter wasn't that bad to re-read either. However, I am not ready for the hell that awaits me in this next chapter. Me and my ace ass are not prepared. 

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