L is for Love

162 16 84

okie first one woop


Shipping: cake w/ a side of mashton

Warnings: none

extra info: Calum is 5, Luke is 4, Michael is 5 and Ashton is 7

word count: 2387

the pic is so cute !! :)


Calum didn't like school.

He hated it, the teachers were annoying, the food was icky and people always bothered him.

His mummy always told him to 'stay in school', but he always said the second he gets the chance, he would leave. Of course, being in kinder, Calum didn't realize how important school actually is. He just assumed his mum hated him and didn't want him to be home and annoy her all day.

"Mummy, do I have to go?" Calum said, dragging his light up Sketchers along the pavement.

"Yes, Calum, you have to. Schools fun! Besides you might make a new friend! Or meet a pretty girl." Joy said, wiggling her eyebrows playfully at her son.

"Ew, girls are gross." Calum said, wrinkling his nose.

"Oh shush, one day you'll be married and I'll laugh in your face." She said.

By then, they were entering school grounds, Calum still not used to the halls and different classrooms. They made their way to Calums teachers room, Mrs. Rydell.

Calums mum stopped right in front of the open door and bent down. "Have a good day at school Cally-Wally."she cooed kissing his forehead.

"Mummm," Calum whined, blushing ferociously at the other kids giggling at him. His mum just smiled, waved at the teacher and left.

Having been in this school for two days already, he had a specific place to sit. It wasn't that he had to sit there but he chose it for himself. It was like his own little happy corner where none of the kids could bother him or break his crayons like a kid named Michael always did.

Speaking of, Michael entered the classroom at that moment, eyes scanning the room before brightening when he saw one of his friends.

Calum sighed. Sometimes he wishes he had a friend, but then he thought about how mean people are and was glad he didn't.

He turned his head when he heard Michaels laugh. Calum frowned, perhaps having a friend couldn't be so bad.

Suddenly, Mrs. Rydell called attention to the class.

"Students, students, hello again! I have some news!" She announced.

It was then that Calum realized that there was a boy next to her. He had blonde hair in a fringe and had on some white converse and a jean jacket that seemed one size too big for him, with some jeans.

"This is our new student, Luke Hemmings. Say hello class!" she smiled.

A series of 'hello's went around the room. And Luke sheepishly waved.

"Take a seat where ever you want." Mrs. Rydell said and motioned to the class.

Luke nodded and looked around. Suddenly his eyes locked with Calums and made his way over to him.

Oh no, Calum thought, no, no, no!

This was his spot. He didn't want some new kid to ruin his peace and quiet.

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