Chapter 3

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Kazuto watched as Asuna drove away untill his vison couldnt see the car she was in any further. He dropped his head and began to silently cry.

"Hey man, what did Asu- Kirito, whats wrong man?" Agil had just walked around the corner, he had not expected to return to see his friend alone and crying.

"A-Asuna is going away.. forever.." Kazutos voice trailed off as he looked up to Agil. "I fought so hard to get her back to the real world, and now she gets taken somewhere I wont ever be able to see her.."

Agil felt sorry for his young friend. He understood all him and Asuna had been through, and he personally thought Asunas parents had taken it to far this time. It just isnt fair to Kazuto, Agil thought. "I dont know what to say, this is just-" Kazuto cut him off early. "I know, I know.. Im going to go home, I'll see you later." With a wave and a nod to Agil, Kazuto began walking in the direction of his home.

Riiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiing.

His phone was going off.

"H-hello? Oh hey Sugu, what? No im fine.. Yes, ill be home in a few minutes. Okay, see you at home. Bye."

He hung up and jammed his phone back into his pocket. He looked up to the sky and started to let his mind wander. He thought about Asuna, he tried to think of other thinks to take his mind off Asuna but everything he thought of just seemed to lead him back to Asuna. Kazuto sighed.

"This is going to be impossible.. living without her.." he mutterd under his breath. After walking a few short blocks that felt like an eternitey to him, Kazuto found himself at his front door. He turned the doorknob to feel the knob resist. "Damn it, the door is locked and my key is on my desk." Kazuto turned around and walked to the back of the house. He tried to open the sliding door, which slid right open. "Leave it to Sugu to leave one door unlocked." He chuckled.

Suguha was in the middle of a bowl of chips and her homework when she noticed her older brother walk in the door.

"Onii-chan, where have you been?!? You just left without leaving a note or any-" Kazuto was begining to get frustrated. "I dont feel like getting lectured right now."

Suguha looked at him with a half puzzled half offended face, but she quickly got over it. She watched as Kazuto walked up the stairs to his room.

"I wonder whats wrong with him today.." Sugu said curiously. She decided it wouldnt be good to ask him, and to avoid any chance of a bigger issue she knew not to ask Asuna, for all she knew they could be fighting. She figured she could ask two of Kazutos best guy friends, Klein and Agil.

She sent them both a text saying "Do either of you know why Onii-chan is so upset today? Its worrying me how sad he looks."

Klein responded a few seconds later.
"He hasent told me anything."
Agil followed about 3 minutes later.
"Too long of a story, come by the cafe."

She nodded, yelled to Kazuto she would be right back, and walked out the to the Dicey Cafe.


Kazuto took a moment to take in all that had happend today. He checked his phone for a possible message Asuna could have snuck, but he quickly realised her parentd probably took her phone away. He felt the tears coming back.

"No. I cant become a crybaby, you reminded me to be stronger than that, Asuna.." He frowned. "But without you here, what need for strenth do I have?"

He flopped back in frustration. He didnt know what he was going to do without Asuna in his life everyday.

"I should sleep on it." He closed his eyes. "Asuna.." he wisphered once more before his eye lids became heavy as he quickly fell asleep.

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