chapter 5;

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This chapter is dedicated to Elena6115 because she is the sweetest girl and she gives me so much feedback on the book which i love love love. Thank you all for reading

Kass's pov•

I walk away from Matt and head straight to my house. When I get inside dyl is sitting on the kitchen counter. I smile so wide. I walk over and sit beside him.

"Hey" I say grinning

"Wish" he says "what's up with you?" He asks worried

My smile drops but it returns quickly. "What do you mean" I ask worried

"I haven't seen you smile this much since the third grade" he laughs

I suddenly get embarrassed realizing how ridiculous I'm being and face the floor.

"Seriously" he adds. "What's up with you"

"Well there's this person" I say shyly

"Oh you made a friend" he says without thinking anything of it until

"Its a boy" I add

"WHAT" he yells. "Why didn't you tell me. Why haven't I met him. He better not hurt you. Guys can be bad news. I'm not sure if I can handle this. He hasn't pressures you has he?" He rambles on and on and on

"Dyl" I say trying to calm him.

"How many girlfriends has he had. Does he want to have sex with you. Has he been in a room alone with you. Does he smoke. Or drink. Kass does he do drugs. Is he in a cult. Are you in a cult?! You can tell me if you are. You know you can tell me anything." He continues without paying attention to me

"DYL" I yell

"What" he says finally breathing

"He hasn't done anything bad and hes a good guy. Neither of us are in a cult. No drugs or alcohol. No pressuring. I don't know how many girlfriends. And I know I can tell you anything." I say answering everything.

"Who is this mystery guy" he asks

"Matt" I say nervously

"Hah that's funny" he says. "My best friends name is Matt"

I just stare at him

Hes processing

Still processing.

Wait for it


Anddddd he got it

"You're dating Matt. Matt my best friend." He asks surprised as all hell

"Uhm yes?.." I say carefully.

"We are gonna go talk to that boy" he says

"NO" I yell "ill go talk to him" I say calmly

Dyl nods and I grab my jacket and walk out the door

When I get to matts I knock but I don't think anyone heard me. I am about to knock again when I hear yelling. I lean into the door

I hear matts mom talking about a girl named Lizzie then I hear Matt talk about someone not knowing something then I hear

"Does she at least know about Amanda"

And then Matt yells about her not knowing anything. Was he talking about me. Was I the her???

I hear stomping and then


Hide what. I think desperatly

I turn and run home. I go to my room and sit on my bed thinking about what that could be.

I turn on lifehouse and almost fall asleep when I hear my phone go off.

*imessage from Matthew*

I swipe to read it

M• hey can you meet me at our place

K• ya what's up

M• nothing just a fight with my mom.

K• you okay

M• ya I just wanna see your amazing face

K• ill be there in a sec

I grab some shoes and a jacket. My overly slim upper body and my slim legs don't compliment my very curvy hips and medium sized but. So I tend to stick to baggy clothes. I tie the top half of my hair in a little bun and don't bother to do anything else. I'm out the door

I walk to matts and stop short to climb the trail through the trees

Matt is waiting for me by the top and smiles when he sees me

I walk to meet him and his smile drops. He looks so tired. He reaches for my hand and i see his are shaking. I intertwine our fingers and walk with him

When we get to the opening I sit down and take him with me. He looks at me and his eyes are sad. I smile a little but I know it doesn't seem real

Matts pov•

She smiles at me but it doesn't reach her eyes

"What's wrong" I ask concerned

"I came by your house earlier" she says quietly

I didn't hear her

"Oh really I didn't hear you" I say

"Ya I know. I knocked but I assumed you didn't hear me and when I tried to knock again I heard your mom yelling about some people names Lizzie and Amanda" she says looking at me confused "she said you couldn't hide it from 'her'. Who's her" she asks sadly

I breathe in a shallow breath "you are the her"

She looks like she already knew that but there is still question in her eyes

"Lizzie is my ex girlfriend. My mom really likes her and wants me to beg back together with her. We were over long before I met you okay? So don't worry about that." I say trying to reassure her

"I believe you" she says exhaling

"Good because I'm telling the truth" I say smiling a little

"But who's Amanda" she asks

"Shes someone who is a part of my past that I'm trying to escape" I say trying not to break

"Matt who's Amanda" she asks more concerned

"Kass I'm seventeen. I'm turning eighteen in 4 months. I'm a senior. I'm different now." I start "but I used to be someone else and when I was fifteen I started dating Lizzie" I say "we were together for a year and when we both turned sixteen we decided to have sex. And she ended up getting pregnant" I state almost crying

"Amanda is your daughter." She says looking sad

I manage to nod

She gives my hand a little squeeze. "What happened" she asks

And that's when the tears fall


So the next chapter is gonna get R E A L. Y'all wanted an update so you get one. Ily I'm sorry for cliff hanger but y'all are gonna like chapter 6:) much love.



Jealousy (a Mathew Espinosa fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora