Chapter 3;

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Kass's POV

I pulled away slowly, he looked in my eyes, all I could do is stare and admire the color of brown his eyes are.

It's not like anything I've ever seen before

We don't speak

We don't move

Hes so perfect. Hes so caring and sweet and gentle.

He looks at me like I'm made of porcelain and hes the only thing that can hold me together.

I cant believe he thinks I'm beautiful.

He smiles at me

Uh oh

Ive been staring too long.

"What" he asks with a cute little smirk.

"Nothing" I blush

"Why were you looking at me for so long?" He asks a little more seriously.

"Because you're so amazing and I don't know what you see in me" I say

He frowns "you don't see how beautiful you are. But I do. You don't see how sweet and caring you are. I do. You don't realize how smart and wonderful and loveble you are. I do. But most importantly. You don't see how all of that adds up to the most perfect girl in the entire world. But I do. You're so much better than me. You're too good to be with me. And I thank God everyday for letting me be in your presence. And I hope you never realize how much better you are. Because Kassandra you are the best I could ever get." He says and I don't know how to respond "and that's what I see" he finishes.

We are still laying on the ground. It is cloudy about to storm but its not raining yet. I cant come up with words so I lean in and kiss him softly.

I break away first. God why'd I do that. When a boy like that kisses you, you don't stop. Idiot.

He smiles

"I like you Kass." he whispers

"I like you too Matt." I say back. Just when I say that it starts to rain

"Can I tell you.something?" I ask him

"Of course" he says.

"I love to dance in the rain. And play in the rain. And be in the rain. I like rain, more than sun." I confess as I start to stand up in the down pour.

Matt starts to get up too.

He is taking his shoes off. What

He puts his hand out to me soaking wet, his hair drooping in his forehead.

"May I have this dance?" He asks quietly.

"Yes" I say as I take his hand.

We are in an open area on a hilly place surrounded by trees. He brings me to the vented of the meadow.

He puts one of his hands on my waiste and holds my hand with his other. I put one hand on his shoulder and he starts to spin me around in circles

When he puts me down I let go of his hand and I start to jump and dance like a crazy person and he laughs at me

Then he joins me. We are dancing and jumping a swinging all over the place.

He starts twirling me around and round

And before I know it hes pulled me into his chest. We stag like that just swaying as he hold me

Then I let out a shiver.

"Are you cold?" He asks.

I nod

"Lets go inside " he says

He walks me out of the meadow. When we get to to tree line he wraps his hand around my waists. More sure than when he had placed his hand on my back.

But I appreciated both.

I stop and turn around to face him. I interlace our fingers and lean up while he leans down. Right as our lips meet thunder rumbles in the sky

I smile into the kiss. I took the thunder as a sign, that proved what I had guessed.

What we had was something bigger than the both of us. And it could only end in one of two ways. Amazing or complete and utter destruction of the both of us

But I don't smile because of the possibility of heart break, I smile because for the first time in my life I want to take a risk. And I want my risk to be him alone no matter how it ends.

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