Chapter 2;

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Kass's POV

I wake up I the morning, I don't bother looking at a clock. I already know it's early, probably 6:30. I have always been an early riser.

I walk into the bathroom repeating the same process as yesterday, washing, rinsing, getting dressed.

I throw on some sweats and a sweatshirt Dyl grew out of and gave to me.

I walk downstairs and see Dyl, I go sit by him on the couch and say "are you ready for our best friend bonding day?"

He has an apologetic look and says "sorry sis I invited matthew over"

I frown, thus was supposed to be our day and he's letting that douchey kid weasel his way into it. Even though he knows how uncomfortable I get around people.

"Why did you invite Matt over?" I question

"Because he and I are friends, and I would appreciate it if you could put yourself out there just this once and talk to him, sometimes I worry about you." He answers

"Well you don't need too!" I counter

"Yes I do, I always need to worry about you, you may be my best friend but you're my sister too, and that is more important. I don't want you to be alone I want you to make friends"

"Well why matthew?! Why do you want us to be friends"

"God, kass what's wrong with you, why don't you want to be friends with him? What do you have against him, you don't even know him."

I realized he was right. I judged this guy so quickly, and why? Because it thought he looked like a tool. I feel kinda bad, because if we are judging people by first impressions then he probably thinks I'm kind of a bitch.

Dyl is right, I should give people a chance, but not now, I can't have full conversations with people. I start babbling or fidgeting.

"You're right, maybe I judged him too quickly, but I still don't want to get to know him."

Dyl frowns but nods

I start to walk to my room when the doorbell rings

Dyl goes and gets the door, Matthew walks I and comes to a halt when he sees me, I stand awkwardly trying to avoid conversation, he scratches the back of his neck, and then he walks over to me and holds out his hand

"Hi I'm Matt, we didn't really meet yesterday"

I shake his hand and nod, saying "I'm Kass" is a quiet voice

He keeps eye contact making me uncomfortable so I pull away and look down

Dyl, trying to lighten the mood, says

"Sorry about her Matt, that's the most human interaction she's had in years" it's a joke but I know it's true

Matt has a weird expression on his face like he's trying to decide whether to take it literally or not.

I turn and walk upstairs not want to hear what Dyl says about me.

I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling, something is troubling me, when matt shook my hand I didn't feel uncomfortable like I usually too, I felt nervous...


An hour later I get hungry so I decide to run downstairs and find some food.

I see Matt and Dyl in the living room, neither of them see me, I walk into the kitchen and over to the fridge, dad and Lisa (stepmom) must have done some shopping, because I see a lot of food, I reach in and grab a jello brand pudding cup, and a Capri sun.

Jealousy (a Mathew Espinosa fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant