Chapter 15 The Championship: Round 2

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I woke up the next morning in my room. It was a bit weird waking up and not seeing my mom. But it was something I'd have to get used to for the next two weeks. I got out of bed and went in my closet. I changed out of my onesie and grabbed the hoodie, and headphones. I slipped on my clothes and did a quick scan to activate the abilities. I walked out of the room and knocked on Scamander, Star, Max and Estelle's room. They all came out looking drowsy but otherwise dressed. "Ready to go? I asked half yawning. They nodded and we walked out and walked toward the front of the boat where the teleporters were.

We joined the game only to get split up again. Estelle, Star, Max and I were all on the same team. We had to wipeout the entire other team. They looked a bit difficult but I knew Arowana Mall well. The game started and we all separated. Max and Star took the side paths and Estelle and I took the middle we rushed to the middle and claimed our land. I laid still as a squid waiting for someone to come by Star shot someone else down and Max hopped down to help us. We ran over the wall and down to take out the rest of them. We ran around freely till the two ambushed us from above, Star couldn't get a steady aim so it was up to us. There was a sniper trying to to Max and I out. Estelle went directly under him and shot him from below splatting him. The other kid had disappeared. Then we noticed him. And the bomb. "ESTELLE!" I screamed. She quickly use the bubbler as the bomb blew up. It wasn't enough. The force blew her off the edge tossing her into the water. "Max get him!" I yelled running toward the edge of the water. "Grab my hand!" I yelled. She reached for it and grabbed hold. I pulled her out but right as I did she exploded with blue ink. My face was covered in blue ink. Her blood. She died on my hands. Max came back, his outfit blue. "Aura.. Did she?!" He asked. "She's dead." I said coldly. "W..what?" He stuttered. "She's dead Max. It's my fault." I murmured. Tears dropped on my hands making the blue wash away. I left my roller on the ground and Max lifted me up. I couldn't move. I was in shock.

We teleported out. "OUR WINNERS FOR A SECOND TIME! WOW!" Marie said to the camera. Star stroked my head softly. "You still have us." She said. "What happens in the next rounds." I said coldly. "We won't die easy Aura." Star said. I was quiet. Max used my key and opened my door he softly placed me on my bed and they sat next to me. Max texted Scamander. I laid on the bed motionless. Her face haunting my eyes. I remembered seeing the bubbles spill from her open mouth. And her wide eyes staring at me scared and sorrowful. And it was my fault. I should have protected her. Small tears spilled from my eyes. Max and Star stared at me worriedly. It took the biggest toll on me. Scamander came in and sat next to me. "we will dominate them all. No matter what." He said petting my head. I sat up. "Stay here please." I said. They all looked confused. "Stay in my room please. All of you." I said desperately. They nodded. "Thank you." I said before collapsing into Star's lap. They all tried to comfort me. I could tell they were devastated too. But they were being strong for me. I'm a wimp. I'm not strong. I broke. I'm broken. I'm nothing. All that I am is a vessel for something weak. Maybe I could have been strong, Maybe I could have saved Estelle. But I can't. Because I'm weak. And she's gone. Gone for a while. Every hour will pass and I'll regret not saving her. I know she didn't really die but knowing the importance of what it stood for made it all worse. Not respawning is like death.. I let my friend die. That night they all stayed. Max and Scamander stayed on the floor. I didn't sleep that night. All I could remember was her face. Her red eyes become drowsy. And I remember her mouth something before she poofed into blue. And now I understood.. "Win it for me"

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