First Text Convo

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A/N: So this is connected to my first imagine and so will the "First Date" imagine that is currently in the works...after that each imagine will be separate.

Harry, You's Harry from the party a couple nights ago. Is this y/n?

Ah, Harold! ;) Yeah, it's Y/ are you? :)

Haha, I'm good, just at the studio...what about you?

Pretty well, just went to lunch with a few friends and on my way home.

Are you texting and driving, y/n?

Haha no don't worry I'm in an uber...

Okay good, safety first ;)

Didn't realize you were my parent :)

Oh sorry...

No worries my friend...

So are you available for dinner tonight? What time works for you? I can pick you up.

Um probably around 6:00? I live at the W Residences in West L.A. Apt. 235

Yup that works. My studio's right around the corner from there

Okay I'll see you then! :)

Alright. Bye y/n...x

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