Popcorn, Laughs, and Ridiculousness

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"Okay, no offense babe, but I really don't see the appeal of mixing Raisinets and popcorn together."

"It's like the perfect mixture of salty and sweet..."

"Wouldn't the salt overpower the sweet because there's more popcorn than Raisinets?" Harry retorts.

"Harry, are we really debating about this right now?" You chuckle. Harry has been at your house for almost 6 hours now. What was supposed to be a quick movie night with maybe two movies, tops, has turned into a late night viewing of every Nicolas Sparks movie and discussion about, well, everything. You are both seated close together, covered in a white fleece blanket, the only thing on your lap a bowl of popcorn. You have persuaded Harry to let you pour a box of Raisinets into your freshly popped popcorn, though he is anything but happy about it.

"Yes we are talking about this because if we are going to watch movies together more often, these things need to be sorted out right away" says Harry matter-of-factly.

"Didn't realize watching movies together required such an ordeal," you quip, "Maybe we should sort out the fact that you don't know how to be quiet during movies..."

"Wow, y/n, didn't realize it was such in issue...see what your Raisinets have done? They've opened up a whole world full of problems." Though you both try to keep a straight face while teasing each other, you can't help but burst out in laughter. After finally settling down, you turn back to the movie. You sigh,



"We're ridiculous, aren't we?"

"Just a bit babe..."

"Well, I like being ridiculous."

"Me too." Harry turns to look into your dark brown eyes and kisses you deeply, both of you caught up in the moment. He breaks away and looks at you weirdly before saying,

"Your lips taste like, a really good mixture of sweet and salty." Harry smiles at you.

"I told you so babe," you say as you wrap your arms around him and cuddle deeper into his chest, "I told you so..."

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