Chapter 5: Flour Power.

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Leah and you are back to your eleven year old selves, pranking the hot, shirtless boys hanging around Sam Uley and Leah's cousin Emily. Your best friend turns oddly bitter when casting her brown eyes on her, but due to little to no contact over the years, you have no idea why there's so much tension.

»Leah, what is up with Emily and you?« She stops at your question as the two of you walk towards Emily's place with two large bags of flour each. You look at her with a raised eyebrow as her expression turns from carefree to sour in an instant.

»I don't want to talk about it.«
»Something's obviously wrong. You're weird around that Sam guy too.«
»I don't want to talk about it!«
She continues moving towards the house and you frown, following her in a fast pace.
The two of you round a corner and she sighs, putting it down because her arms were hurting. You look through the little window and see the boys sitting there, talking. They look so happy. You crouch out of sight and open the bag of flour really quietly. Leah stops in her tracks yet again, looking at you weirdly. You grab a handful of flour and peek around the corner through the door. Leah smiles.

You throw the flour and it hits Seth in the back, then Leah does the same and it hits Paul in the face. After the initial shock passes, the boys all turn towards you two. Your eyes go wide as you see the seething face of the most volatile member of Sam Uley's gang as he stands up.

»We should run.«

His dark eyes connect with yours and you grin. His furious expression turns into one of surprise, but when he takes a step towards the door, you're off.

»Leah, run!«
She scurries off after you, the boys all behind you. You scream and run to the cliffs, sliding towards the edge, almost toppling into the cold waters below. And what a drop it would be. Leah laughs and high-fives you victoriously, but the moment is gone as quickly as it came. Leah runs off in a random direction, calling your name and hoping you'd follow.

Paul and you stare into each other's eyes. It's blue versus brown in this battle for dominance. He takes a step forward and you take one back, but the edge crumbles under your foot. Your whole life rolls like a film before your eyes as you stumble backwards. A strong pair of arms grab you tightly and keep you safe from the fall and most likely, your imminent death. Your body is then lifted into the air, another scream leaving your lips. Carried over Paul's shoulder back to the house, you stare at the clothed behind, making you blush profusely. He sure has a really cute butt.

»You sure you don't want me to help with that flour?« You ask, hoping to divert the boy's attention. You're set on your own two feet, staring up into Paul's brown eyes once again. No one else seems to be around at the moment and you flush scarlet, your whole head heating up from the closeness. There's this odd gleam in his eyes and it surprises you when his lips start nearing your own.

Your breath hitches in your throat.

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