Chapter 15: Preparations and Realisations.

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The closer your departure date came the more anxious you were becoming. Even Paul's calming presence didn't help your nerves and you were often found murmuring incoherent words to yourself by Leah who felt extremely awkward disturbing you. According to her, you were giving off a strange vibe her wolf was forcing her to stay away from.

"Might be my magic," you explain as you sit beside Leah at Emily's. She didn't like being there often because of Sam and Emily, but she knew you needed a friend. "I'm really nervous about all this."

"You sure you don't want me coming with you?"

Giving her a deadpan look of utter seriousness, you explain why having her near you would be a bad thing. "I think one pup with anger management issues is more than I can handle."

She sniggers along with Emily, both knowing that Paul can be a handful. The rest of the boys enter from their daily outing to the cliffs and Paul immediately smiles, kissing your lips and settling you into his lap.

"All packed?" He asks and you groan, "don't start with me. Mum is driving me crazy. We have to leave tomorrow and mum thinks all I should pack with me is dresses. It's like she forgot Scottish weather in the course of a few months. Or London weather. I'll freeze in dresses."

Paul grins cheekily and hugs you tighter to him, "I'll keep you warm."

"You need to pack normal clothes with you too. And no, I don't mean shorts and T-shirt. You need to look human."

He scoffs and you glare viciously to which he conforms almost immediately, causing Jared to make a whipping noise and hand movement. Paul throws a muffin at him in retaliation.

"Did you remember about the tux?" You ask and when silence proceeds, your eyes grow wide. Paul smirks and nods, "I had to see that desperate face on you."

"Cut it out, Paul. This is seriously important."

"Why? It's just a wedding?" Quil quips from the group and you roll your eyes. You didn't like admitting out loud that you wanted to best Ginny in appearance and company. Observing Paul from afar had made you fall in love with him so much harder than you ever have for Harry. Paul was strong, built, and still kept his boyish nature despite his anger issues. And when you first came to Hogwarts, Harry was all that only because of his survival instincts and kind nature. Although you really don't want to deal with two troublesome shapeshifters who have a hard time controlling emotions, you really just don't want to be the odd one out. Paul makes you feel strong when he's around, like you can do just about anything. You need him more than you ever needed Harry.

Leah smiles and Emily puts the plate of food on the table. "It's never just a wedding."

You smile at Emily and the two of you nod at each other. Paul was a bit suspicious, but he wanted to have that smile present on your face constantly. He promised himself that he wouldn't be the cause of your tears.

"What's the plan anyway?" Paul asks and you look at him, curving your eyes up in thought. "The wedding is at the bride's family's estate, but we're making a pitstop at my mum's place. It was given to us before we moved by the headmaster. It's small, but we can fit." You grin and wiggle your eyebrows, making him snort.

"That's why I wanna go there tomorrow, get prepared without mum hovering over me."

"She's really into this wedding, huh?" Leah smirks and you snort, nodding. Just then a shadow appears at the doorway, you screaming in fake horror and hugging Paul around his neck as your mother stands there with a not so amused look on her face.

"The dress you ordered came." You lift your arms in a cheer and hop off Paul, pulling Leah with you. "Come on, let's try it out."

You snigger and the three of you leave Emily's house.

However, your feet carried you back to Paul for a kiss you both yearned from each other.

Blame It On Me [Paul Lahote x OC]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ