Chapter 8: Beach Madness.

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A ball flies past your head and you gasp, suddenly turning around to see Seth and the others, all laughing and enjoying themselves. Except Paul. He looks somewhat sombre and detached from the others. From himself. Leah glances in his direction too and sighs, knowing what it means. But she can't tell you without breaking Alpha orders, which makes it impossible for her to say anything. You wipe your tears quickly, breathing heavily to calm down and look somewhat normal.

»Come on, Kya. Still know how to play soccer or did that posh British school spoil you?« Seth chimes, which makes you smile and stand up. Paul stares at your almost naked body, feeling arousal. It withers to nothingness when Seth comes running up to you, wrapping an arm around you waist again. Seth seems to be completely oblivious to the situation though.

Sam tries to stop Paul, but he approaches the three of you, just chatting and having a laugh. Out of the pack, Seth's the last to notice the sudden change in atmosphere and as he lets go of you and turns around, he's punched in the face by none other than Paul. Leah gasps as Seth hits the sand by your feet, pushing against Paul's chest.

»What the hell, Paul?!«
»Leah, calm down.« Sam says, but she's too livid to listen.

You kneel behind Seth, his upper body resting against yours. This only makes Paul angrier. He starts breathing heavily, invisible vapours coming from his skin. It doesn't seem to phase Leah, who's screaming profanities at him. Looking at Seth, who chuckles faintly, you smile and help him sit up normally.

»Just because you imprinted on her, doesn't give you the right to toss my brother around like it's any of your business what they do! She's not your property!«

»Leah.« Sam warns one final time.

Paul watches you stand up with Seth's help and inches forward, but Leah growls. Even though Seth's injured, he steps away from you quickly. It's not noticeable by most, but Paul and you notice. And it hurts you. Paul notices the sudden vibe around you, his face softening from the grief he's caused you.

»Leah. It's okay.« You touch her arm, which is getting hotter by the second.
»It's not, Kya!« She looks at you, her eyes almost a bright brown.
»No, it is. Come on, sis. It's my fault.« Seth tries calming down his older sister, who would go through fire and smoke to save what little family she has left. Even if it meant going against the pack.

You blink up at Seth, »how the hell is it your fault?«

He shakes his head and waves a hand nonchalantly in the air. You look at Paul and he calms down almost immediately, gazing into your ocean blue eyes. You wipe a line of thick, red liquid sliding down Seth's chin, proceeding to wipe your hand in your bikini since you don't have a tissue. 

»Everyone's so serious all the time. And Paul,« he looks at you and blinks, »I've learned how to protect my friends and myself. And just like I took measures before, I'll take them again. Hurting them, hurts me. And you don't want to hurt me.«

His eyes go wide as you walk away towards the ball that's floating on the water's surface. You throw it at Seth who begins to run away with it. You grab Leah's hand and pull her a little, »come on, let's play.«

You were, of course, absolutely right. Paul's intentions aren't to hurt you in any way possible, his intentions are to protect you from the whole, wide world. His first attempt was foiled by his own short temper, which he regrets. He just wants you to accept him and as much as he'd like to think you're like every other girl who follows him without question, you're not. Even back at school, your ex boyfriend had his work cut out for him, but it was worth it in the end. You'll always cherish the wonderful memories with Harry.

But wait, Leah said Paul imprinted on you. What does that even mean? You wonder.

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