Chapter one

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A/N Omc Chapter nr 1 is dooooneee finally. We hope you enjoy our little fanfic
Fries, skittles and a big hug
- Kenji and a Friend

Sherlocks POV
Do you know why people call it falling in Love?

The Use of the term implies that it is in some way uncontrollable and risky, according to Wikipedia. But it is not quite true,  it is a more vicous motivator  Than any other feeling. Therefore in an extremely narrivated field controllable (As you can focus it) .You can USE it , but quite risky as it stands against the thing I value most, pure logic. It can motivate A person to break the Wall of rationality. In Conclusion, Love is the most vulnerable yet dangerous chemical defect of what you probably call feelings. 

But their not actually feelings they are just chemical chains of reaction simply there for our race to reproduce and survive.

But human sentiment was a tragic  evolutionary mistake, as we started to believe in the fact that we were ment for Something more Than evolutions ponds,we became to selfaware. This mistake, may be the entire extinction of our species.

Therefore falling in Love is quite Accurate, as we fall into our doom.

"Falling is like flying, except there's a more permanent destination"

A man once told me. Although he was insane and a potential psycopath , the words he had spoken was indeed true, when it comes to falling
In Love.

In the moment you think your flying,  It's beautiful. Like flying up in the sky, Reaching the clouds. Some people say It's like walking on clouds, some say It's like dancing om them, I don't really see the difference. You look down and see the Beauty beneath, the unpredictable sea, shifting and changing Every minute, the far away land that magnificent conflades together with the mysterious ocean. Like the sun meets the moon, and together Ubiquitous. But the Only Beauty that you really care about is the person you are flying with.

In that moment you feel infinite, but it is Ephemeral. Sooner or later, the fall begins.

I don't really get it why you call it falling because there's always a negative side, and one positive. Let's say sad or happy. Then we would call sad negative, and happy positive, right?
If I say Falling and flying, I think you see where this is coming. Falling is the negative of the two. Because why would you want to, fall to the ground, when you can fly with the stars?

But that's not a decision you can make, and down you Will fall.

I've always found myself thinking the worst way to die. There is certaintly many horrendous and dreadful ways to die in, but I finally made a contemplation.

It is not to die, but the person you Love most does. Leaving you, with nothing else than memories.

Caring is not an advantage. Gravity always pulls you down, and so does Love.

Both of them, both of them together Will make you fall.

I knew this, yet it was inevitable not to fall for him.

"Sherlock, you are mumbling again." John says quietly.
"Did you say anything?" I open my eyes and look over at him.
"Ehm Tea is ready!" he says as he walks towards his armchair. He hands me a cup of tea.
"I've been thinking." He says. "It's been sometime since we hade like a real big case. Everything is just family problems and stuff like that."
"Yes" I say and look at him showing him that he's got my attention.
"I just like. Hope there is going to be a new one soon..." he mumbles before he takes a sip of his tea.
"Mhm" I say as I take a sip of mine.  
"Why haven't you had a big case for this long?" John says.
"I've been busy." I mumble.
"With what?" He says as he raises one of his eyebrows.
"Ehm. I've been thinking. I've been falling"
"Stop talking in riddles." He says as he sighs heavily
"I don't talk in riddles!" I say a bit offended.
"Yes you kinda do. 'I've been Falling' what is that supposed to mean? You haven't really been falling around in the flat and you have definitely not been falling out doors Since you HAVEN'T BEEN OUT OF THIS FUCKING FLAT FOR AT LEAST A MONTH!" John is getting angry with me.
I just stare at him. He just don't understand.
"Ehr sorry. I ment that I've been quite sad and like you know." I mumble as I take another sip of my tea.
"Sherlock..." I don't listen. I stand up and walk to the kitchen. I put my tea cup on the table before I slowly walk over to my violin.
"Oh come on Sherlock please don't shut me out."
I pick my violin up. And then I start playing. I close my eyes and just sighs. I like playing the violin when I'm sad or upset, or just needs to think. It's kind of a stress relief.
When I need to clear My head, i
Compose, and when i need to think i just play Something I'm familiar with, like Bach. I've been Trying to clear My head, but It's impossible. not when I think of him.

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