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•Emma's POV•

About twelve years ago, I was dating this guy Neal Cassidy. I was eighteen and in love, and when I slept with him, I had no idea I would get pregnant. But I did.

The choice was easy: I was going to give the baby up for adoption. So when it was born, I took it to the adoption center and kissed the little boy goodbye.

Another thing I didn't expect was that Neal would break up with me. That was the turning point in my life, when I learned to shut people out and not have feelings for anyone.

I became a recluse. And living in New York City, where my stupid ex resided, was too hard on me. So I decided to move to the small town of Storybrooke, Maine.

Little did I know, it was a magical town, full of people who'd been stuck in time for twenty-eight years. And that wasn't even the craziest part! The townsfolk were all fairytale characters who couldn't remember who they were. And who told me that?

My ten-year-old son Henry.


At first, I didn't have any friends and I didn't want to talk to anyone. But this girl Mary-Margaret kept pursuing me, and since I didn't have a place to stay, she let me live with her. Little did I know, she was my mother Snow White!

Almost everyone in the town was a fairytale character in disguise. At first, they didn't know who they were, but with the help of Henry and the storybook Mary-Margaret had given him, they learned to believe.

It turned out, the town was cursed by the Evil Queen (aka Snow White's stepmother). Her disguise was Regina Mills, the town mayor. Everyone hated her when they found out who she was in the fairytale world, but they learned to respect her when we were sent to Neverland and she helped us find an escape.

While in Neverland, I met someone named Killian Jones, otherwise known as Captain Hook. I started having feelings for him, but I didn't know what to do about it. I'd shut people out for so long, and didn't know how to deal with my feelings.

Actually, I did have a love interest in my first few months in Storybrooke. His name was Graham, and he was the sheriff. But right after we shared our first kiss, he died suddenly.

So I was only used to people leaving me. I didn't think Hook would want to be with me; and if he did, he wouldn't stay for very long. But with his relentless flirting, it was obvious he really did have feelings for me. That gave me enough confidence to kiss him.

But I still didn't know if I could fully trust him. After everything I'd been though, who would desire to be with me? Apparently Hook did.

Then something happened that totally rocked my world: Neal came to Neverland! I realized that I'd never truly gotten over him. And now that I'd gotten to know my son Henry, I wanted to give him a chance to know his father.

But I still had feelings for Hook. I didn't know what to do. Who should I choose: my long-lost love (not to mention my son's father!), or my latest love interest?

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