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•Neal's POV•

A few days later, I was reading the newspaper in my small apartment when I got a surprise call from Emma. "Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hey, Neal, it's me," she replied.

"Oh, hi. How are you?"

"Fine." There was a pause. "I was calling to see if you were still up for talking sometime?"

My heart sped up a few beats. "Oh, good, I was hoping you'd remembered that. I'd love to, Emma. When are you available?"

"How about this coming Friday? Henry's going to Regina's for the weekend, so..."

Did that mean what I thought-and hoped-it meant? "Perfect," I said, unable to hide the excitement in my voice.

"Great. Do you want to meet somewhere, or...?"

"I'll pick you up. How's 8:00?"

"Sounds good."

"Alright. See you then."

"Bye." She hung up, and I looked over at the calendar. It was Wednesday; I still had two days to prepare for the date. Should be plenty of time.

But...was it even a date? Yes, I decided, it was. After all, we were gonna be talking about getting back together. That had to count for something, right?


•Hook's POV•

I called Emma on Wednesday evening to see if she'd want to do something this weekend, but it didn't go so well.

"Would you like to go out with me this Friday?" I'd asked her.

"Oh. Sorry, Hook, I already have plans."

"Really? Well let me know if anything changes."

"I will. Is that all?"

"Um, yes. That's all. Bye, Emma." Then I'd hung up. I couldn't hide my disappointment that we wouldn't be spending any sort of time together this weekend.


•Emma's POV•

When Friday finally rolled around, I was extremely nervous. I tried not to let it show. I'd told Henry that I was going out with Neal, and he seemed really happy for me. Luckily, I knew his happiness was sincere.

But I felt bad for letting Hook down. I couldn't help wishing I would've said "maybe next week" or something like that. Anything to give him a bit of hope. We were friends, and I knew he liked me. I didn't want to become distant. But alas, I had a date with Neal. And I wasn't going to give that up.

Mary-Margaret (aka Snow White) helped me get ready. She was my closest friend when I moved here, and I'd like to think we were still pretty close. After all, she was not only my friend, but my mom.

I decided to wear a dress, even though I didn't like them very much. It was a simple dark blue thing with a high collar and a flowy skirt. Mary-Margaret said I looked cute in it.

With the dress, I wore brown leather boots with wedges, and curled my hair (even though it was naturally curly anyway). Mary-Margaret did my makeup.

Then it was 8:00. Neal showed up a few minutes early, and we took my car because he didn't have one yet in Storybrooke. It was an old-fashioned yellow Volkswagen Bug.

I let him drive, since he knew where we were going and I didn't. When I'd asked, he said it was a surprise.

About ten minutes later, we parked outside of Granny's. It was a regular hangout for everyone who lived in Storybrooke, and I was immediately worried that people would see us and think we were dating. But then, I decided, I didn't really care.

We sat down at a booth, across from each other, and a waitress came over with our menus. Usually, Ruby served us, but it was someone else tonight. I found myself being grateful for that.

Gosh, what was I so worried about?

Neal and I ordered our food, and he told me that I looked "lovely." I thanked him and stupidly replied, "You too. I look good, too." Could I sound any more dumb?

"So...about what I said the other day," Neal started.


"I suppose you've thought about it."

"I have."


"I think-"

Suddenly, I was interrupted by an all-too-familiar voice saying, "Well, well, well, Swan." A chill ran down my spine.

Author's Note: Cliffhanger!! In case you couldn't tell, the person who called her Swan was Hook.

I want you guys to vote for who you think Emma should choose. Whoever gets the most votes will win Emma's heart! So please comment!!

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