Author's Note

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Greetings, fellow Oncers!✨

So this story is now over, and I just wanted to thank you all for the votes and comments. Each one means so much to me-especially the comments! I hope you're happy with the way things turned out. I'm team CaptainSwan all the way, so I just couldn't let her choose Neal. (Although that would make a good story, if Hook weren't in the cast. But what's OUAT without the bloody pirate?😏) I hope you all enjoyed reading this story and will check out the others. I have quite a few. I'm currently writing Their Wattpad Love.

And now, for the thank-you's.👏

First, thanks to God, for giving me life and breath and this wonderful thing called writing. I couldn't do it without Him!

Thanks to my fellow Oncers, such as @iwritetoinspire, @LeighAnnaC, @captainswantacos, and @nightwarrior15. Thank you for reading my fanfic and encouraging me to keep updating. Also, thanks for waiting almost an entire month for an update! I apologize once again for that.

And lastly, thanks to the creators of OUAT. Without them, none of these fanfictions would exist, and neither would our love for their amazing show. We love you!

Peace out y'all✌

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