Chapter Six

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Rewritten •

"I need a day off." Michael rushed out as Dawn closed the door to her office. She walked across the room and sat down in the black office chair made out of leather.

She raised one of her perfectly arched eyebrows, crossing one leg over the other and leaning back into the chair. "Why?"

Michael swallowed, trying to get rid of the nervousness he had built up for the last couple of days, he had never asked for a day off before. "Well, um, I-" A laugh cut Michael off mid-sentence.

"Aw, babe, you're too cute," Dawn's eyes were sparkling as she laughed.  "You've never asked for a single day off before, of course you can have a day off!" She exclaimed loudly, still laughing.

A blush crept up Michael's neck and he looked down at his worn out combat boots. He realized that he needed a new pair but in the back of his mind he knew that he couldn't afford it.

"Thank you," Michael said, looking up at his employer.

"Don't mention it, now get back to work," Dawn smiled at Michael before looking down in her papers, dismissing Michael, who nodded before turning around and walking back to the club with a big smile on his face. At that moment Michael thought nothing could go wrong. Little did he know that everything was going to change, and not in a good way.

"Why are you all smiley today?" Lexie asked from where she was pouring someone a beer not taking her eyes off what she was doing.

"It's nothing," Michael answered as he tied his apron around his waist, unable to wipe the grin of off his face.

"That grin," She pointed her finger towards Michael grin, "is not nothing, something is definitely going on." Before turning around to look at Michael, Lexie handed the customer his beer. Michael picked up his water bottle and started chugging down the water, trying to avoid conversation. "Have you gotten yourself a girlfriend?" The water Michael had in his mouth was now flying all over the place.

"What's going on over here?" Victor asked as he passed a laughing Lexie and a coughing Michael. "Dude, are you okay?" He bent down and patted Michael's back.

"Yeah, I'm fabulous," he muttered and glared up at Lexie who was still laughing. "Absolutely fabulous." Victor patted his back once more before returning to mixing drinks for the customers.

"You know that I'm g-"

"Of course I know that you're gay, you idiot! We've known each other for years, it's hard to not know that you're gay as hell," Lexie laughed before she got back to work.

Micheal scoffed as her back faced him. "And no, I don't have a boyfriend."


With a sigh Michael put the broom back at its place. He looked around the empty and quiet club; closing alone had never been something Michael liked. He wanted someone there with him, someone to brighten up the mood. Being left alone with his mind was not one of Michael's favorite things.

Michael opened his mouth, ready to strangle the silence. "We may as well go home..." The first song that came to his mind came out of his mouth. "As I did on my own..." The sound of Michael's voice filled the empty void. "Alone again, naturally." With yet another sigh Michael drifted back into the silence, the sad aura settling in around him.

Sliding down a wall, a tear fell down Michael's cheek. "Why can't I find the love of my life, like everyone else around me?"

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