Chapter Eight

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• Unedited • Rewritten •

"You okay kid?" With blurry sight, Michael tilted his head back to look up at the security guard that brought him outside.

Michael had to think for a moment before he answered the guard, "um, I'm not sure yet but do you, um, think you could ask the girl that sat next to me, the one with black hair and blue eyes, to give me her car keys and just say that it's about Jaxon?" His sentence turned into a rambled as the tears on his cheeks were quickly drying into his skin. His heart rate was beyond normal and his breaths were coming out closer to one another than they usually did.

The guard looked at him with concerned filled eyes but nodded before he disappeared into the venue which gave Michael some time alone to really catch up with his racing mind. Everything was crashing down on him and tears started streaming down his face again, this was happening too fast for Michael to register. Jaxon was the only family he had left and he couldn't lose him, everything Michael ever did was for Jaxon and if Jaxon wouldn't be there anymore, there would be no propose for Michael do live. He dedicated his life to Jaxon and it'd be nothing without him.

Michael's thoughts were quickly interrupted by a heavy door opening and closing. The guards handed Michael the car keys and a hug that he explained was from his friend; Jayden. She knew something was wrong, Michael wouldn't have asked for the keys to her car if it wasn't a question between life and death, seeing his all-time favourite band wasn't something he'd just give up like that if it wasn't important.

A small thank you was all Michael managed to utter before he rushed out of the big venue, what he didn't know was that more than one set of worried eyes were watching him leave. Calum stood hidden behind a corner while spying on the boy that had caught his attention not only once but twice before. He wasn't sure why, but the urge to follow the crying boy was so strong but Calum knew that he just could leave his bandmates to do the concert by themselves. A sigh escaped his lips as he headed backstage again, but not without making a mental note to have a word with the black haired girl that seemed to be friends with the mysterious guy.


"Where is he?" Was the first thing that left Michael's mouth when he entered the hospital. People glanced at him with judging eyes but at this moment nothing mattered to Michael except Jaxon. "Where is my brother?" The girl looked at him with sympathy in her eyes as tears were, once again, welling in Michael's eyes.

"Who are you looking for, sir?"

"Jaxon Clifford," Michael expressed just as the last word left the girls red painted lips and within a second she was typing away on the computer in front of her.

"Before I give you the number I need to see some identification, I can't let just about anyone in." She explained with an apologizing look, without a word Michael nodded and started digging around in his pockets.

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