Chapter Nine

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• Unedited • Rewritten •

Michael frantically pulled out his identification from his black wallet. The young girl behind the desk looked down at the small plastic card and nodded with a hum.

"Room 335, it's on the third floor. The lifts are to the left at the end of the hall." Michael nodded at the girl's words and sprinted towards the lifts. He was scared, he had never felt like this before. Not even when his parents died. Michael felt the panic rising in his throat, not knowing what to expect. 

As he reached the third floor he stopped, trying to even out his breathing and not break down. With a deep inhale Michael tried to calm his racing heart but with no luck, looking to the left he spotted Red sitting against one wall. Her entire body was shaking from the amount of crying she had done the last couple of hours. Michael rushed up to her and kneeled down next to her on the floor. With blurry sight Red looked up at her best friend just to break down sobbing again.

"I'm so so sorry." Was what she managed to choke out. 

"What happened?" Michael's voice was barely heard in the busy hallway but they reached Red ears and she looked down. The guilt was eating her from inside and out making her not being able to look at Michael. 

While having her head down Michael's eyes scanned her body, she didn't have any casts or major injuries what he could detect but a few bandaids and bruises where scattered over her face and arms. He didn't dare to think of the condition his brother might be in, when looking at Red he thought that maybe it wasn't that bad but from Red's reaction he felt like trowing up.

"It happened so fast, I don't even know." Red shook her head, finally having the courage to look up at Michael. "We were gonna get KFC because Jax really wanted some and I let him decide so we went but on the way there," A hiccup interrupted her words, more tears were streaming down her bruised face. "This truck came out of nowhere, I swear! I couldn't do anything! I tried to shield him at good as I could but the truck hit his side." As the truth escaped Red's lips Michael felt his body giving up. He slid down the wall opposite from his friend in shock. How could this be happening to him once again? How could the world hate him this much to try to take away the only thing he had left? 

"Why?" Was all Michael managed to say after Red had quieted down. "Why does life hate me this much?" His voice was low and he felt defeated, like his life was over.

"I'm so sorry." Red said again, feeling just as defeated as Michael. "They won't let me see him since I'm not related to him which is stupid because I rode with him in the ambulance and everything." Her short ramble came to an abrupt end and silence fell over the two who were now alone in the hallway. A deep sigh left Red's lips which broke the silence for a second.

"It's okay." Michael whispered, Red raised her head which were resting in the hands to look at Michael through her swollen eyes. "It wasn't your fault." A tear ran down Michael's pale cheek. He could not blame Red for this mess, after all it wan't her fault and Michael knew that.

"Thank you" Red whispered before they fell into silence yet again. At this point tears were silently streaming down Michael's face at not knowing the condition his brother could be in and he wasn't able to stop them anymore, they were falling freely.

"Family of Jaxon Clifford?" An unfamiliar voice broke the silence. Michael's tears had stopped but the pain was unbearable and taking over his body. In seconds he was one his feet.

"Yes! I'm his legal guardian!" Michael's voice was soar from al the crying and the words barely came out audible. The panic was now dumbing the pain in his body as he stood there with Red right behind him, waiting in agony for the nurse in front of him to speak. 

The nurse looked Michael up and down with judging eyes. "Well, Jaxon is in a critical condition. He was declared dead for one minute and 23 seconds but was revived and survived surgery." The words leaving the nurse's mouth made Michael's heart stop, his brother had died. They were able to revive him but still all Michael felt was pain. "He will stay on life support as long as needed, the first 24 hours are the most critical. Especially for someone so young." The nurse paused for a minute and looked up at the two broken adults in front of her from her clipboard. She cleared her throat. "We aren't one hundred percent certain that Jaxon will be able to wake up." At these words Michael felt his entire world shatter and his legs gave out. 



Okay so it's been awhile since I started this story but I really want to finish it! I'm slowly writing more chapters and working on making them longer, it might be slow at the beginning but I'll get there soon! I'll be graduating soon and have more time for writing, then I'll be aiming for around 2000 words per chapter.

FanBoy ♔ Malum.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن