chapter two

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"You guys seriously sleep together?" Stacie seems positively shocked as she turns to Beca, mouthing an O.

Oh shit.

"I mean we can't say we didn't see it coming" she continues, looking sideways to Aubrey and smiling softly.

"Yeeeeah like those nights when Chloe broke into our room in the middle of the night to cuddle with Beca" Fat Amy reveals looking to the sheets doubtfully "those smell like sex"

"Jesus Christ, Amy, we don-"

"I knew you guys would be together by now. You owe me 5 dollars, Bree"

"No way Emily, there's no real proof "

By the time they leave the room to continue the tour on their apartment Beca can pretty much feel all of her blood on her face. It cost all of her word-limit-per-day (and believe, she has one) to explain she and Chloe were absolutely not together, and Chloe didn't help AT ALL, just kept laughing as she stumbled and choked on her own words.

Of course she can't deny how they would end up cuddling every night. Or how Chloe looks amazing right now on that new dress, but also looks amazing when they wake up in the early morning, or even when she is sleeping peacefully like she rather be there than anywhere else.

So she decides just not mention it.

The dinner seems to never come to an end for Beca. Although Chloe is apparently having a really good time with the girls, so that's enough for Beca, and she is not mad... until Chloe tell that today is her day of washing the dishes.

"Dude, what do you mean? There's literally a mountain of them" Beca points to a little pile of dishes trying to express her indignation

"Literally" Aubrey reinforces the smaller girl, sounding maybe a little bit sarcastic.

Beca narrows her eyes to the blonde.

"Becs" Chloe calling her nickname catches her attention again. She leans closer to Beca and places her hand dangerously on Becas thigh, making the brunette gulp, the girl was always a motherfucking master on knocking her walls down "I washed them yesterday. Also I cleaned the whole apartment while you were busy sleeping. Come on, if you wash them now I will let you choose the movie of the Obligatory Movie Night for today. Will be less torturing for you that way, right?"

"Fine" Beca says quietly, looking to Chloe's warm hand placed on the end of her plaid skirt and felling the blush cover her cheeks again as she feels the warmth getting through her bare skin.

"You guys are so domestic"

"Yes, go Becs and obey your wifey"

"You guys shut up" she murmurs while standing up and walking slowly towards the Everest of dishes, feeling her legs slightly weak. Maybe she should eat more vegetables. Sure. That would do.


"Beca, what's wrong? Why are you moving so much? I can't sleep that way"


"Spill it out"

"Indominus Rex" she mutters

Chloe turns on the bed to face a Beca looking at the rainy sky through the glass, looking rather scared.


"The fucking dinosaur, that is"

Chloe frowns as she remembers the white dinosaur from the Jurassic Park/ Jurassic World, whatever, the movie Beca had chosen for the night.

"What's wrong with it?"

"It will eat us all"

"Are you seriously scared? Beca that movie was kinda of boring, don't you think?"

"Don't you dare"

"Should I assume that Beca Badass Mitchell is scared of dinosaurs right now?" Chloe laughs at the young girl


"Becs they don't even exist!"

"Tell this to John motherfucking Hammond"

"John who?"

"Fucking T-Rex will see us through the glass right now, cuz is raining just like in the first movie"

Beca sees Chloe's eyebrows knitting together in that cute way, probably trying to decide if Beca was fooling her, if that was funny or if she should be worried.

Feeling the shame burn her body Beca closes her eyes. Fucking dinosaurs, she thinks, why she had to be scared of them since child?

A thunder makes her heart jump and her body tremble.

"Tell you what" says Chloe sweetly "we can hide under our blanket. So the T-Rex won't see us. Will we?

Beca nods, still with her eyes closed. And then she feels Chloe's hand pulling their blanket over her head and pushing her body close.

"None of those Inimidonus Rex will spot us here" continues her, placing her arm around Beca's waist, who can't help but smile at the ginger trying to say it.

"Good night Chlo"

"Good night, Becs" and she can feel Chloe smiling on her neck.

Maybe watching Jurassic World was not a bad idea at all.

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