chapter four

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A moment of shocked silence settles down.

Chloe's stomach drops and she try to contain the tears. That's it. She lost Beca, just like that. She would be moving soon from their brand new little flat, and Chloe would never even sleep with her again. No more of every single thing she could relate to home. Suddenly the apartment seems cold and unknown.

The feeling of loss makes a tight grip on her throat

"Oh. I'm so happy for you guys" she manages to say after a while staring at her, maybe trying to record every single detail and perpertuate her presence right there.

Beca finally looks at her, frowning slightly.

"Chloe, I said no"

The ginger blinks a few times, taken aback and fighting a weird feeling of hope and happiness she can't even understand right now. How can she be so selfish about her friend like that? She decides to brush it off, mad with herself.

"-said no? Why did you do that?" and she sounds a little bit harsh.

"You wanted me to say yes?" Beca mumbles, looking at the ground, acting like whatever Chloe wanted about marrying Jesse actually matters.

"No! I mean, I don't want anything. I'm just confused here. I thought you loved him" Chloe defends herself, placing her hand on Beca's shoulder.

"Yeah. Yeah I do." Beca answers after an uncomfortable silence.

Chloe's face falls for a second, but Beca doesn't notice.


"I don't even know ok!" Beca raises her hands into the air looking angry and Chloe is taken aback again "I just can't get married and move in with him and be Mrs Swanson. I like Beca Mitchell. And I it like here." She says the last part like a whisper. "Now I think I hurt him. I was so scared"

Chloe feels like Beca is about to cry, so she open her arms to allow the smaller girl in.

"Hey, hey, weirdo, calm down. Come here"

And as soon Beca's head rests on her chest, Chloe feels her heart soothes, as like the iron fist that squeeze her heart when Beca is sad had just disappeared.

But she feels the little girl sobbing and there's nothing left to do but hold her tight and never let her go.

In a way or another.

"Tell you what, Chloe" she humbles "we should go to that bar right now."

Chloe frowns pushing Beca so she can look at her face "Are you sure, babe?"

Beca offers a weak but still sweet smile to the word. "I'm sure. So go get your ass ready because I already am"


"How can I help you ladies tonight?" asks a really charming British waiter, who seems to be looking directly to Chloe as he speaks.

"The same, Dave."

"An, um, orange juice for me, dude" Says Beca, sounding harsh, so she can finally have Dave's attention.

He smirks at the order and Chloe does the same "Orange juice? Really? You come to a bar to drink juice" she says amused after Dave walks away.

"I hate alcohol culture" Beca mutters, making Chloe giggle.

"Well, I don't, kiddo"

And the giggles seems to be there to stay several drinks later.

The bar is actually a nice place, just as Chloe had said. There are good music playing, good looking people dancing, and their orange juice is actually great.

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